Chapter 32 prt. 2

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- Lumine -

Eula walked over to the top of the hill which was guarded by a fence. She stepped over it then jumped off. With a quick flick of her arms, her wind glider appeared, carefully carrying her the way down. The rest of us followed suit. Paimon right behind me as I guided just barely around all the trees and homes.

I haven't used my glider as much as the rest of them so my landing was a bit bumpy. Paimon helped me steady myself as my knees jolted a bit as they hit the ground. Everyone had already deactivated their wind gliders as they ducked behind the rock leading up to Springvale's teleport.

"We'll go up first."

Eula went up to the waypoint with the rest of her team. There was a loud whoosh as all of them teleported to the waypoint at the entrance of Wolvendom. I checked our surroundings before leading everyone else up myself.

Clint offered me his hand which I took gingerly. Paimon held onto Lidia's arm as we prepared to teleport. We could've gone ourselves but one of the conditions for using the waypoints is that you know where you are traveling. Paimon and I haven't been to the Statue near the Dawn Winery so we had to travel with them.

In the blink of an eye the scenery had changed. By this time, the sun was up enough to give enough light that I could see the great mansion in the distance. Beyond all the uneven ridges, small grasses, and birch trees there was a grand house with pale walls and a red roof that pointed like a castle's at every end.

Everyone took a quick minute to breathe and check out surroundings. After we confirmed everything was clear we headed down the small mound where the Statue of the Seven stood. I took my hand off its base, wanting to feel the energy of the Anemo Archon flow through my fingers before heading off.

Once we reached the edge of the cliffs we all laid down on our stomachs to take watch of the area. Surrounding the house were different plots of well organized plants lined up against each other in neat rows. There were a couple huts scattered here and there along with some houses of the same design from the ones at Springvale.

I felt my stomach drop as I saw dark splotches and weapons scattered across the ground. Especially towards the east of us, there were scattered shields, clubs, and weapons laid all about. Plants had been uprooted then stomped on leaving nothing but piles of dead leaves. I didn't want to look but I'm pretty sure I saw a couple dead bodies lying in those piles.

Paimon let out a small gasp, "Lumine..."

She flew close to me, her small hands wrapping themselves around my arm. I pulled her in close to me and hid her face at the base of my chest. I looked down at the spot she had been looking at. Beneath us, there was a small pile of dead bodies that had been practically mauled apart. A large pool of blood puddling from beneath them.

"It's okay Paimon, maybe there are still some people hiding." Clint and Lidia gave me a look that I plainly ignored. "Since this area seems a bit more dangerous we'll travel as a group. We'll make our way across the land clockwise and then make our way to the middle towards the mansion."

Clint nodded, "Very well. Let us prepare our swords as well then."

We went along the Winery with the same plan as we did Springvale. We stayed along the edges and in the tree line as much as we could. Paimon and Lidia were to search the inside of the houses while Clint and I kept guard. We passed through them one by one and combed through every inch of the fields.

It seems that whatever monsters were here had left a long time ago. Paimon had turned extremely nervous after seeing all the blood and dead bodies lying around to the point where she practically lived on the back of my head. It was hard to move with her hands pressing around my neck but I knew being with me brought her some sort of reassurance.

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