The Tales of Reckless Pallad 2

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"How dreadful. To think someone would do such a thing and especially to a well-known adventure yourself."

Well, well-known is one way to put it. At least Captain Kaeya understands my pain. Royce has just been drinking his fill since the Captain said he'd treat us to a drink or two. For him a drink or two meant taking half of Master Diluc's beer all for himself.

"I know right?!" I felt my cheeks growing warm. Was it from the beer or this handsome gentlemen's smiling eyes? "It-it's not like I did anything to deserve this! I bet you it was a damn...treasure hoarder! I've heard there everywhere in Liyue these days. Only a matter of time that they find us here!"

The Captain took a confident swig from his drink then watched the soft golden liquid settle back in his glass. After a while he smiled at me, the corners of his lips curling into a seductive smile. He leaned forward, an elbow set on the table while his other drummed against the spine of his glass.

Wh-why was he looking at me like that? I cleared my throat.

"Treasure hoarders? Could be but from I know they don't run around wearing masks of hilichurls. Come on, a great adventurer like yourself can surely remember more? I'm a bit disappointed and here I was holding you to such a high regard."

 Wh-what...come on. I-even if I could tell him anything else, that was really all I could remember. My mind was pretty preoccupied with not meeting my grandfather in the afterlife to notice slight details. I glanced over at the Captain again. Well, I guess I could try a little harder to remember.

Let's see...the first time that individual stole my things we were in front of Windrise. He took my stuff which I dropped after running away from a group of hillichurls. Brown cape, tallish figure, and a cracked hillichurl mask. As for the second time he did help me to some extent. Though all he did was blow those damn slimes away with some sort of Anemo abilities.

Wait? Anemo abilities? But I don't recall seeing a vision on him? Was I just not looking hard enough or did he have it hidden elsewhere on his body?

"Oh? It seems you've remembered something. Care to share?"

"Actually yes there wa-"

Just then there was a great tension in the room. Slowly, every single person's head in the tavern turned to the door where I majestic gentlemen stood. His white robes hovered only inches above the ground as he glided into the tavern. Black clothes outlined in the color of geo poked from the center of his chest.

I heard a couple voices gasp as a wolf the size of a man poked its head into the door frame. Its white fur shook gently with the gentle breeze from outside as it poked its snout into the air. Finally its dark eyes dropped on-o-on me. I swallowed heavily.

Master Diluc cleaned a glass from behind the bar, "I'm sorry but no pets allowed."

The young gentlemen smiled softly but not in a kind way. He had to be the same age as the Calvary Captain yet they had such different demeanors. I glanced over at the Captain to see if he was showing any type of response from the outsider.

"My apologies." His long white hair swooshed to his side as he turned back to his animal companion, " understand don't you?"

The large wolf huffed before taking its snout out from the building. Its back paw slamming the door closed behind him. The pint of beer trembled slightly in my hands. Hair white as stardust, a man who wields a weapon of the gods and it followed by a wolf larger than even him. 

The Champion of White. A killer of evil. Though I'm not sure I would call him a hero either. His actions might label him as so but his demeanor tells me that he's a mad man of sorts. I had no doubt that if anyone where to cross him they would never be seen again. Probably have their body mutilated after torture then scattered all over Tevyat so its soul could never make its way to the afterlife.

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