Chapter 25

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Even though we managed to get everyone we needed to safety I still couldn't bring myself to breathe easily. Right now the morning was the most quiet it's every been. A part of me still thinks there's something else we can do. A way that won't bring us to fight or risk the safety the people of this nation.

Paimon has tried to lift my spirits talking about after this we'll be one step closer to finding my brother. In what way was this a step forward? We've been here for exactly how long and I haven't even spoken with the Anemo Archon. Still I can't say that I want to walk away from this, no matter how back its pulling me.

My brother was strong enough to survive wherever he was. For now he'll just have to trust that I'll find him in the future. There's people here that need my help. Its was a bit premature to call them friends but that's what it felt like. In war, for some reason its easier to make companions. I wonder if its because both parties know your fighting to live?

That type of bond, the need to survive, was one of the strongest of them all. 

One of the Knights of Favonius came by to take over my shift at the outer wall. I know this break was for me to rest but how can I sit still when I know what's going to happen? I wasn't the only one acting this way. Irma has been in the training grounds even after finishing up in the Cathedral last night.

She was more desperate than any of us. I don't know exactly what is was that kept her working so long. Was it the death of her friend? Was she afraid of becoming a liability? Or was she trying to slowly work away her anger? Every time I look into her eyes I feel like there's something evil away eating her away.

I want to ask but I know she won't tell me. She's becoming distant. During meals she walks off by herself. When other Knights try to make conversation she gives them short uninterested answers. Not even Ariana can talk to her for more than a couple minutes. I thought it would be easier for them to communicate since they were from the same world.

Apparently I was wrong.

When I got up to the Cathedral the sisters were handing out breakfast. People were being unbelievably sour about what happened last night. Even though Irma somehow managed to subdue them, as soon as she left the Cathedral the sisters had to call for the Knights because of the outrage.

As much as I wanted to get mad I couldn't. Nothing was stronger than the fear of man. Well maybe except for greed. Right now all of them were on edge especially the men of the city. Since they had more strength than the others that stayed behind they went around yelling and bullying anyone they could. It was pitiful to watch.

"Is that all we get! Shouldn't we get bigger meals seeing as we are the ones sacrificing ourselves!"

The Knights of Favonius and the sisters were under orders not to act hostile towards any of the citizens under the pretext that they were only acting out of fear. So right now I could more than one person biting at their lips or tightening their grips around their weapons. They were tired of being treated this way.

I was starting to get tired to. Besides what gave them the right to complain? If they wanted more food then they could go out themselves to look for me. All they do is yell at poor Noelle was placed in charge of food distribution. Is this what the Knights of Favonius have been brought to? They're just a few hilichurls!

What else could we do but calm them down? Its not like we can cut of their heads. Though both Lisa and Kaeya have shown they'll be more than happy to. Especially after a group of men tried to jump Master Jean outside her office. I've never seen Miss Lisa so disturbed. After Amber came to settle things Miss Lisa had to excuse herself.

"Sacrifice?" Here she goes again. Irma stepped down from the steps of the Cathedral, "What do you know about sacrifice? Are you going to sign up to become a Knight to help us fight? If that's the case the Calvary Captain is actually taking volunteers."

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