Chapter 46

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- Irma -

Ariana's expression turned heavy and it caught me off guard. The blond elf never had such a look before. Even when sad she would at most keep her face empty or suspicious. I don't think I have ever seen her eyes filled with so much sorrow and guilt. It was like she was carrying a large weight that she could only bear.

But if the weight was that big then didn't we have a right to know about it? In our situation we were past whether or not certain truths could hurt us. Right now we were sharing a tent with five other people, three of which were unconscious and barely hanging because of the cursed energy that's poisoning their veins.

And what about me? Look at my arms! I'm being consumed as well.

There is only so much a person can hide from others due to safety. At some point, that withdrawal is what's going to put us in danger. I understand that we came up with this plan in order to find a safe way to destroy whatever is happening in the sky. To close that damn portal if it was even possible. But that's not something I think we can do at the moment.

How were we supposed to take care of someone when we don't even know what to expect ourselves? Ariana...she knows a lot more than anyone at this moment. All of the information that I've brought to this world with me is practically useless in this situation because there was never a playthrough showing us how to deal with a corrupt divine nail.

And if there was...I didn't go through it.

I know she keeps making me out to be some future hero of this story but what kind of hero am I when I can become just as dangerous? Lumine is the only true hero of this story but this is all progressing so fast that her current strength level is nowhere near to deal with all the shit that's happening in this world.

I said in a threatening tone. The anger was starting to bubble over me again and I was doing my best to restrain myself. Thanks to my years of building a strong resolve as a customer service employee I hadn't choked the answer out of her yet. Though...I was very close.

Ariana looked at the heating mechanism in the middle of the shelter, "Do you know that story I told you on our way to the thousand winds temple?"
I rolled my eyes, "This is not the time for your bullshit Ariana! We have real problems that we need to solve!"
"You know...the older I grew...the easier it was to understand others. When you get old, you start to witness more things. Even when your own life grows boring, people are still going through life around you. And start seeing the stories replay in front of you so many times until you can understand the root of them all."

"I swear to fuc-"

Lumine put a hand on my shoulder and shook her head, "Please...continue."

Ariana nodded, "I want the both of you to consider the possibilities as to why this is all happening. Ask yourselves...why would someone ever want to do something like this?"
What does she fucking mean by that? Isn't it obvious why something would do something like this? So far all the Phoenix has done is kill and push us back into a corner. Then, they messed with the natural order of this world and created scenarios that should've never appeared. What they're aiming to do is build chaos.

They wish to stand up against the beings of this world. They aim to become all controlling.





Ariana looks at me in a way that tells me that I'm wrong. How does she know that I'm wrong if she doesn't even know what I'm thinking? I sigh. Why do I even ask such a stupid question? For some reason she always seems to know what I'm thinking. What I will do and even how I like my food. It's a strange knowledge that she seems to carry around. Like if I were truly an important figure to all of this.

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