Chapter 45

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Author's POV:

Jimin's school...

Taemin:" can you stop crying Minmin I didn't get what is the problem till now .. you didn't utter a word since you came till we take the exam .. what's wrong buddy?? " Jimin can't hold his tears anymore , only God knows how he managed till his Yoongi hyung dropped him to school. 

Taemin hugged him to console his broke friend and his cry started to stop after a while 

Jimin :" Yo.. Yoongi hyung .. now ha.. have a girl friend " Taemin  was confused 

Taemin:" and !! is she treating you bad ?"

Jimin :" no I don't want to deal with her , she is the one who prepared our breakfast, and you don't see how my hyung looking to her , he loves her so much , not only Yoongi hyung but all of them , I don't like it , but I can't say anything, yoongi hyung talked to me last night and told me he is happy that she is back , so I should be happy for him , but i'm not , she is taking my place in his heart , he used to look at me all the time but now he is looking to her " and he went in another set of cry 

Taemin:" hey Minmin , don't cry , okay I understand now , you have the right to hate her , but what will you do now ??" Jimin wiped his tears with the back of his hand

Jimin :" don't know but I want my Yoongi hyung back for me and only me " 

Taemin:" soo try to tell him that, didn't he ask you to open up to him , tell him you don't want her "

Jimin :" I can't, he told me that she loves what he loves , so I should be better than her 😔"

Taemin: " oooh , okay can you try to know her , you may like her too "

Jimin :" no I don't want to , she just here for one night and she is acting like she owns the house , she is bad " Taemin felt bad for his best friend and can't help him , so he hugged him patting his back 

Taemin: "Minmin, I have a brilliant idea! Let's skip the last two classes today and go to that new ice cream shop downtown. I heard they have the most amazing flavors, and we deserve a little adventure, don't you think?"

Jimin: "Minmin, I know it sounds tempting, but my hyung doesn't allow me to go out alone or without one of my hyungs. I don't want to get into trouble or disappoint him."

Taemin: "I understand your concern, Minmin, but sometimes we need to break the rules a little and have some fun. It's just two classes, and we won't be gone for too long. We can make it back before anyone notices. Plus, we'll create memories that will last a lifetime!"

Jimin stayed quit for a while don't know what to say 

Taemin:" Minmin, I know these past few days have been tough for you with your hyung getting his girlfriend back. I thought going to the ice cream shop would be a way for you to forget about all the pain and frustration, even just for a little while. It could be a chance for us to have some carefree moments and take your mind off things."

Jimin:" Minmin, I appreciate your thoughtfulness and understanding. It's been really hard for me to see my hyung with someone else. I can't help but feel jealous and hurt. Maybe a fun outing like this could help distract me, even if only temporarily."

Taemin: "Exactly, Minmin. Sometimes we need a break from our worries and emotions. It's okay to feel jealous and hurt, but it's also important to find moments of happiness amidst the pain. This ice cream shop adventure could be a step towards healing and finding joy in other aspects of life."

Jimin: "You're right, Minmin. It's time for me to focus on my own happiness and not let this situation consume me. Going to the ice cream shop with you sounds like a great way to do that. Thank you for being there for me during this difficult time."

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