Chapter 92

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Yun Hee's POV : 

I couldn't sleep all the night , Today, I am to meet my boss, and I can't seem to calm down. The things I've heard about him aren't helping either. But I'll manage; I just need to maintain my distance and show him respect. What's wrong with him, though? Such a pompous show-off. Does he think he owns the world? What's the big deal about accidentally brushing against him? It's not like I'm dying to touch him, you ugly, stupid soul.

I find myself standing in front of his office with Miss Mary, my hand trembling as she knocks on the door. When we hear the cold command, "Come in," she opens the door, revealing him seated at his desk, engrossed in signing some papers, I assume. And there's Mr. Jungkook, standing by his side.

Miss Mary: "Sir, this is Yun Hee, your new secretary." She bows slightly, and he lifts his face to look at me.

Yun Hee : " FUCK .. " OMG ,  Who on earth has a face like his?

Taehyung: "Excuse me?!" Miss Mary pinches my hand, warning me.

Yun Hee: "I'm... I'm so sorry, sir. I swear I didn't mean to curse in front of you." I bow deeply, almost at a 90-degree angle, apologizing for my stupidity. But I swear, his face is a work of art. Who wouldn't lose their composure looking at him?

Jungkook : " I guess we talked a lot about how you need to behave in this office , and 
I can believe it is not involve cursing in front of your boss."

Yun Hee : " I'm sorry Sir " 

Jungkook: "You'll have a three-day deduction. I hope this serves as a reminder for you to be more careful next time and take this job more seriously. We're not here to play games." Oh no, I have debts to pay. He can't do this.

Yun Hee: "But, sir..."

Jungkook: "You have already met your boss, and by the end of the week, I expect you to be prepared to work professionally without any mistakes. You may take your leave." Miss Mary pulls me, dragging me out of the office.

Miss Mary: " What's wrong with you? Why did you curse in there? "

Yun Hee: " How could you not warn me before going in? You said he was ugly." 

Miss Mary: " I never said that. You assumed he was. "

Yun Hee: " You should have warned me that he is the most astonishingly handsome man on this planet. I needed to prepare my poor soul. " Miss Mary chuckles.

Miss Mary: " Your poor soul will now be working with that astonishingly handsome man, so you need to compose yourself, or you'll end up working for free the entire month, or worse, you could be fired. "

Yun Hee: " I need to see his girlfriend. I bet she's the most exquisite woman alive. "

Miss Mary : " She is not " 

Yun Hee: "Don't tell me she's ugly!"

Miss Mary : " No, he's single. And can we please stop talking about your boss and focus on starting your training?"  She was talking while preparing a folder on her desk

Yun Hee : " How is it possible that he's single? Okay, what about his ex? " 

Miss Mary : " As far as I know, he has no ex. He's never been in a relationship. And enough of your childish questions , Time to work , take this file and read it carefully , i need a report about all the meetings your boss has this week , the propose of each meeting and the things you need to prepare for each one " How can I do this .

Yun Hee : " But .. I don't know how to prepare a report " she handed me another file

 Miss Mary : " this is a sample of how the report will look like , try to follow the same steps , and we will discuss after you finish "


Taehyung office ... 

Author's POV : 

Taehyung: "Can you tell me now what possessed you to hire her? She had the audacity to curse the moment she laid eyes on me!"

Jungkook: "I don't know what got into her, but I believe she was nervous. You know how it is for newcomers. And you also know how to handle employees. Just be as strict with her as you are with others, and she'll never do anything to annoy you. Besides, one of us will always be here by your side. You just need to call us, and everything will be okay."

Taehyung: "You know... when I think back on all of this, I feel so foolish. How can a grown man like me be afraid of a girl? To be scared of a simple touch or a lingering gaze that I don't even know the meaning behind. I'm a fragile coward who can never see life through normal eyes." Jungkook crouches in front of Taehyung, taking hold of his trembling hand.

Jungkook: "Why don't I see you the way you see it? Don't you realize how brave you are to face all of this and still stand here with us, working tirelessly? You give us the reassurance that everything will be okay, even when you need those same words whispered to you. This will end, your fear, your struggles. Nothing lasts forever, whether it's pain or happiness. Everything will eventually come to an end, including your pain."

Taehyung's eyes glisten with unshed tears, his voice barely a whisper.

Taehyung: "But what if it never ends? What if this fear consumes me until there's nothing left? I'm tired of pretending to be strong, Jungkook. I want to break free from this prison of anxiety."

Jungkook's grip tightens, his voice filled with care and unconditional love for his brother.

Jungkook: "It will end, Taehyung. I won't let it consume you. We'll face this together, day by day, until you find the strength within yourself. And I promise you, one day, you'll look back and realize just how far you've come. You're not alone in this battle. We're here for you, always."


Author's Note .. 

Hey guys , I'm sorry it's taking time to update and the events is a bet slow but I just don't like to speed the pace , Hope you don't find it too boring ...

And Thank you for the 40K 🎉🎉🥳🎊

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