Chapter 104

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Ara's POV :

I met his mother, she is the excellent example for a warm mother , not only for Jimin , but for every one in the room , her caring eyes didn't miss anyone in the room without attending his needs , she is too focus during the dinner, who in not eating well , or the one who didn't like some dish she will find another choice to push him to eat more.

I know she is pregnant, shouldn't she be tired?! 

Her husband is taking good care of her as well , he had this smile he gave Jimin , but he is cold with the others, is he hating them too ?? 

IU :" hey , dear Ara , why are you not eating?! Should I bring something else if you don't like the choices here " she put her hand on my back patting me softly, I loved her touch. 

Ara :" No Mam , it's so good " 

IU :" Call me Onni , I'm not that old to call me aunt and sure you will not call me mam " Taemin was right , she is not a one to hurt Jimin .

Ara :" thank you Onni " the dinner went smoothly but there is that guy who didn't indulge in the conversation, he is too quiet but not the same as Jimin's father, he is not smiling at all , not for Jimin or anyone here, he looks like he is lost on his own world , he didn't utter a word since we sit in the dining table , even when Jimin's mother put a special dish in front of him , he is not eating from the food we are all eating from , he looks like a picky one , is he the one who is hurting Jimin !! 

When we finished eating Jimin dragged me with Taemin to his room , his room has a lot of yellows items , I know he loves this color but it looks so cute when I see he is this possessed with it .

The moment Taemin got into the room He pulled his Playstation controller and started a new game 

Taemin:"you are not playing today , you keep defeating me and I want to practice, Jungkook hyung tought you will how to master this game " he didn't wait Jimin's reply and put the headphone on his head and I can hear the loud voices come from it , he is going to be deaf soon on this rate  😅

Jimin :" you can count that we are alone , he will not stop till I kick him out , and he wouldn't hear us " he sit on his desk when I sit on his bed , I can feel he doesn't want to sit near me so he doesn't need to explain his reaction when I touch him .

I smiled to him , whatever happened and how ever he is treating me , I don't mind , he is with me , and i'm praying to have him for a lifetime, it's too early but I hope his feeling won't change by time passing 

Ara :" it seems your parents love you soo much " his smile went wider when I mentioned his parents , more confirmation that they didn't hurt him 

Jimin :" I believe they do , and I love them soo much " 

Ara :" your whole family is so kind , but I don't know about that one , you mentioned his name before , Taehyung hyung ?" He frowned his eyebrows 

Jimin :" what about him ?! " why he got tensed , am I guessing right , is he the one who hurt Jimin ??!

Ara :" you tell me Minie , why he looks like he hate everyone on the room , he didn't smile at all " 

Jimin :" He maybe doesn't like strangers, he is used to look scary but  he is more kind than you can think " he smiled again. 

Ara :" are you sure , you can share with me Jimin , I won't judge you " 

Jimin :" what do you want me to share ?!" he started to bite his nails , something he used to do when he is nerves

i stand up from where i'm sitting and went to him , the fear started to invade his innocnet eyes , hope one day i will be a family for him so he would never be scared of me.

i hold his hand, the only thing i'm allowed to do

Ara :" I want to know you more Minie , what you love the most , what you fears the most , I want to be the one who you will run to when you want to hide , not the one who will you hide from" 

He looked down breaking the eye contact 

Jimin :" can't we start from where we are ,Just the Jimin you know now , I .. I have nothing to be proud of to share .. l can try to be good enough so you won't feel that I .. " 

Ara :" you don't need to try anything, you are more than perfect for me , i'm not telling you this cause I'm annoyed with anything, I want you to feel safe around me " 

Jimin :" I feel safe around you Ara " 

I put my hand on his knees and he flinched 

Ara :" See , no you don't " I didn't mean to scare him , but I want to make it clear what I'm talking about.

Jimin :" okay I will try .." why he can't understand what I'm trying to say

Ara :" there is nothing you need to try Minie , I just want to tell you that I'm here to hear you , nothing else .. " 

Jimin :" My family that you just met .. is not my biological " finally.. we are there 

I tightened my hold on his hand to encourage him to go one 

Jimin :" My biological parents died when I was seven "

Ara :" since when you got adopted?! " 

Jimin :" A year and a couple of months " What !! Where he was in the years before 

Ara :" who was with you on those gap years ?! " He pulled his hand from mine and looked the other side 

Jimin :" please Ara , can I skip this , I don't want to do this , just ask me how you want me to act and I will try , I will stop flinch when you touch me , I " his eyes filled with tears that he is trying so hard to hold them back .

Ara :" No No I'm sorry, I shouldn't push you this much , forget it , I don't want to know anything, and you don't need to try , I'm okay with anything just be here with me " 


Author's Note ...

Hey guys ..

What do you think about Ara's actions , is she going to fix anything or she will just worsen the situation more ..!

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