Chapter 90

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Author's POV : 

Jungkook's Office...

Jungkook : " This is Miss Marry she is my secretary , You need to learn from her how to manage your boss office , Is it clear ? " 

Yun Hee just Nodded 

Jungkook : " You need to use your words Miss Yun , your boss doesn't like to keep looking to you to know what you want to say " 

Yun Hee : " Sorry Sir , I will try to do my best, when I can meet my Boss "  Yun was worried she heard the employees saying how tough he is ,  and the way Jungkook talking about him keep her worries increase .

Jungkook : " you need to be prepared first , you will be here all the day to learn the basics and tomorrow you will meet him , don't mess the things up , he will not hesitate to fire you " he shouldn't add more to her worries .


Taehyung's Office ..

There Taehyung was standing behind Yoongi's back holding his shoulder tightly as if he was hiding from the world , ignoring the fact that he is already taller than him , but he just felt safe there.

Yoongi : " You are fine Tae , look I swear the girl can die just by you glaring at her " Tae was peaking behind his back to the glass room Jungkook is in with Yun Hee

Taehyung : " You don't think she is hiding her real power " Yoongi couldn't hold his laughter at Tae's comment

Yoongi : " baby , I know it's not easy for you , but i swear she is too stupid to be planning anything behind our back , we informed her the rules , she will never think to go near you , or touch you "

Yoongi hold Tae's cheek in his palms trying to assure Tae that there is nothing to be afraid off

Taehyung : " Thank you for being here for me hyung " Tae smiled softly

Yoongi : " you don't need to thank me Tae , you have the right to ask for shoulder to lay on any time , and we all will be there for you , you have nothing to be ashamed of " 


Yun Hee's POV :

Life used to be simple and hopeful for me. I dreamt of a brighter future, going to college, and making my family proud. But everything changed when my father got sick. The medical bills piled up, and we couldn't keep up. That's when this man, a ruthless loan shark, entered our lives.

He demanded we pay back the money, and he didn't care about our struggles. His threats were constant, haunting our every moment. I couldn't bear to see my family suffer, so I made this decision. Even it wasn't my dream job , and I my self not qualified to do it but i will do my best . 

The sum of the loan may have been a mere fraction of what I used to spend on shopping, but for us Now, it was everything. We were a family that had lost everything, burdened by the weight of my father's illness and the mountainous bills that accompanied it. We were trapped, with no one else to turn to.

I spent two months tirelessly applying for jobs, only to face constant rejection. I knew my naivety and lack of experience made it difficult for someone like me to find employment. My father had always indulged and protected me, leaving me with no marketable skills to offer.

but for my stupid luck I am here accepted to be a secretary for a maybe psycho Boss who made a 5 guys to attend the interview to pick the right one for him but thank god there was a kind woman there , I swear i was about to faint when i came in the interview , I still wonder why they pick me !!.

While waiting, I overheard whispered conversations among the employees about my crazy boss. They spoke of a man who never engaged with his staff, perpetually wearing an inscrutable poker face. His office was off-limits to everyone, and he rarely bestowed a smile upon his employees. And to compound my worries, a certain Mr. Jungkook would repeatedly say, "Your boss likes this, and your boss doesn't like that." Only I knew the depths of my own clumsiness, my propensity to forget things easily. I could only hope I could endure long enough to receive my first paycheck.

Suddenly, the voice of Miss Marry shattered the train of my anxious thoughts, pulling me back to reality.

Miss Marry: "Hey, don't look so worried. Your face has lost all color. I assure you, Mr. Jungkook is a kind-hearted man. He simply prefers to maintain a professional demeanor."

Yun Hee: "But he's not my boss. What am I going to do? I've messed everything up. I can't afford to lose this job." I managed a weak smile, desperately trying to mask my inner turmoil.

Miss Marry: "I'll help you. Just try to stay focused, and everything will work out fine. I can't speak for Taehyung sir since I haven't interacted with him before, but I've dealt with the rest of the brothers, and they're all incredibly kind."

Her words failed to provide the solace I needed. What good was it if the brothers were kind? Couldn't one of them just hire me directly?

Yun Hee : " Why he is the only one who behave like this , is he that ugly so he afraid to be seen or don't want his stuff to make fun of his look  " She for the first time since we started this conversation laughed out loud , What had I said to make her drop her professional demeanor?

Miss Marry :  "You're quite adorable. You should be careful with your words, though. It's not wise to speak ill of your boss, especially about his appearance. As for how 'ugly' he may be, you'll find out the truth tomorrow. But for now, let's begin your training." 


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