Chapter 78

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Author's POV:

Ara .. 15 years old , cute beautiful and bubbly but shy she is a new transferee to Jimin's school 

 15 years old , cute beautiful and bubbly but shy she is a new transferee to Jimin's school 

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Jimin :" it's okay , nothing happened , give me your hand " he pulled her hand to pull her up 

Taemin:" i'm the one who in soaking in Soda Jimin , why are helping her and not me " 

Taemin was Jealous as this is the first time that his best friend to be concerned for some one else other than him specifically when he is the one who got dumped. 

Jimin glared to him as he scared the girl with his shouting 

Are :" i'm really sorry please forgive me i didn't mean to " she stand up and looked to Taemin pending 90 degrees  apologize to him. 

Taemin pity her and was about to say something but got interrupted by Jimin 

Jimin :" No need he will just take a shower and he will be okay , what's your name , I didn't see you here before " Jimin was all smily and kept caressing his nap 

Ara :" I  .. I just got transferred here , it's my first day , and it's Ara , thank you for your understanding " and she ran out of there before Jimin could reply to her .

Jimin :" Ara .. what a beautiful name , isn't she the most beautiful face in this world " Taemin smacked the back of his head .

Taemin:" beautiful my foot , shower !!! Who is taking shower in the school, my uniform is totally ruined " 

Jimin :" I envy you I should be the one who got soaked by her , now she will be apologizing to me not you " 

Taemin:" hahaha , wake up from your daydreaming and call your dad , if Mom get to know I ruined my uniform she will kill me , please let him pick us and go to you house to clean up " 

Jimin frowned his eyes 

Jimin :" what about Ara ?" Taemin looked confused 

Taemin:" what about her?" 

Jimin :" we can't just go home now I need to know which class she is attending " Taemin pulled Jimin ear

Taemin:" You brat your best friend need to go home now , are you choosing her over me , you just met her , you know nothing more than her face " jimin kept wiggling in Taemin hold

Jimin :" NO I know her name too" 

Taemin:" Yaaaa "

Jimin:" okay okay I will call him leave me you devil "


The next 

Jimin :" what did your mom say about you going home late yesterday?!" Jimin met Taemin in front of school gate at the morning 

Taemin :" no need to act up she is fine as lone as I'm with you , I told her I went with you to your house, but I added the studying thing 😁" Jimin laughed 

Jimin :" you lier, do you think we will find Ara today, how will we search her class " Taemin facebalmed his face 

Taemin:" can you stop talking about her , you are obsessed I swear you just met her for a few seconds " Jimin smacked the back of his head

Jimin :" Yaah you are my friend and you are going to help me " he dragged him to their class while still fighting when they went in there class Jimin's heart almost stopped 

Jimin :" Ara !! " she was there sitting at the seat in front of his and Taemin's directly 

Everyone in the class looked to Jimin then to her as he shouted so loud  when they left the last day Ara came and introduced her self to the class so everyone now know her

She was too embarrassed by Jimin's actions so she just looked down without saying anything 

Taemin:" hey you stupid why are you shouting you scared her " Taemin whispering to Jimin who walked fast to his seats 

Jimin :" HI " he said to her but she didn't get to reply as the teacher came to the class .

Jimin couldn't focus on the teacher voice and was lost on his own world 

Teacher:" Jimin , please come and solve this problem " the teacher as usual chooses Jimin but now Jimin wasn't focusing and he absolutely will not be embarrassed in front of Ara 

Jimin :" hey Minmin , What was he talking about " he whispered to Taemin who was lost more than he is but with scrapping his pen on his book

Taemin:" No idea " Jimin bunched him before heading to the board 

Even if he didn't focus he is the smart kid he used to be , so he tried to solve it on his own without the help of the teacher explain 

Teacher:" I hope all my students is just like you Jimin " the teacher braised him as he solve it but with deferent steps 

Jimin blushed and looked to Ara that was looking to him shyly 

He headed to his seat proudly passing her

Taemin:" I hope I had your brain Minmin , even you weren't focus you just hit it , I hate my life " 

Jimin hit his shoulder playfully 

Jimin:" but I love your brain , you have no restrictions " 


At the cafeteria..

Jimin :" Minmin please help me , I want to know her , she is too shy , she is not talking to anyone , how I can reach her " 

Taemin:" just go offer her to teach her , you are the smartest student in our class , she will never refuse " 

Jimin :" it's look like I'm telling her she is stupid, no I can't " while they are talking the student head went by them and put an Ad on the board 

Taemin:" Waaaw , New ad " Taemin ran to read it 

Jimin :" I really don't know what's wrong with your obsession with ads " 

Taemin:" waaaaaa , they are creating a new Dancing team for our school"

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