Chapter 51

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Author's POV : 

Jimin: "Noona, noona! Where are you?" Jimin stormed through the main door, running into the house, searching for IU."

IU: "I'm in the kitchen, baby," she shouted back for him to hear her. She was busy preparing their lunch."

Jimin threw his bag on the floor and ran to her, hugging her tightly from behind.

Jimin: "I missed you so much!" he exclaimed, his arms wrapped around her."

IU chuckled and turned around to face him, returning the hug.

IU: "I missed you too, baby. How was your day at school?" She pulled him by his arms to hug him properly.

Jimin: "It was so much fun! The first three classes got canceled, and I had a great time with Minmin. He loved your food so much; he even asked if you could adopt him too. He's silly. But I refused; you're not going to adopt anyone other than me, right? I won't let you. I'm your only son; don't even think about it. And then, we had the next class after our lunch break, and the math teacher explained the mathematics graph. I'm totally in love with math now. Minmin was about to cry; he didn't understand a thing. My poor friend. But I'll help him. You know, he doesn't like school; he doesn't even like studying. I don't know why I love it so much. One day, Yoongi hyung punished me because I skipped my sleep to study. He was so angry with me, but that's also the reason why he started sleeping with me. I don't regret it now."

IU listened attentively to every word, her eyes filled with warmth as Jimin continued speaking rapidly, not giving her a chance to respond. She continued cooking, passing here and there, while he followed her everywhere, not stopping for a second.

Yoongi came leaning on the frame of the kitchen door, observing the lively scene.

Yoongi: "Wow, you have a lot to tell, little one. And when I ask you about your day, you just say 'it was fine.' Am I a bad listener, you brat?" Yoongi teased, a smile tugging at his lips, happy to see Jimin opening up to IU."

Jimin hid behind IU, trying to save himself from Yoongi.

IU: "Hey, Yooni, don't tease him. Let him finish his story. Go freshen up," she said, defending Jimin.

Yoongi: "Wow, so now I'm the outsider?" Yoongi went to IU, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her away from Jimin. Then, he pulled Jimin towards him, holding him close with his other arm.

IU: "Hey, Yooni, what are you doing?"

Jimin: "Hyung, let me go!"

Yoongi: "You two deserve a punishment. You can't leave me out like this." Yoongi started tickling them, and they both ran away from his hold, laughing and escaping into the living room.


Days later, the entire family gathered around the dinner table.

Jin: "Sure, Kookie. What is it?" Jin looked at Jungkook with soft eyes, ready to listen.

Jungkook: "Well, I've been thinking a lot lately, and I've made a decision. I want to start singing again."

The room fell silent as everyone processed the unexpected news. They all knew how much Jungkook loved music and performing, but ever since IU left, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Every time he tried to stand on the stage without her there, his voice wouldn't come out. So, he stopped trying.

J-Hope: "That's amazing, Jungkook! We've always known how talented you are, and it would be wonderful to see you pursue your passion."

Taehyung: "Yeah, Kookie! Your voice is incredible, and we've missed hearing you sing."

Yoongi's worry began to surface. He was concerned about his little brother, who had a fragile heart. How would he handle the challenges of the music industry?

Yoongi: "Are you sure about this, Jungkook? You know the challenges and pressures that come with the music industry."

Jungkook looked down for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Then, he raised his head and met Yoongi's gaze, determination shining in his eyes.

Jungkook : "I understand, hyung. But IU Noona and I had a conversation earlier, and she reminded me of my love for singing, which I never forgot. But now that she's back, she's willing to support and guide me on this journey."

he wanted to say this to his hyung , he need the assurance that his Yoongi hyung is not against his interaction with his girlfriend , even Yoongi didn't say anything when he saw them talking or even hanging out with each other , he will just get furious when someone touch IU in front of him , but Jungkook want his hyung words to feel at ease .

Yoongi looked to IU and caressed her cheek

Yoongi : " i can't be more thankful for you to help kookie be happy again " she smiled to him and he stand up heading to Jungkook holding his cheek in his palms

Yoongi : " If this is what truly makes you happy, then I won't stand in your way, Jungkook. Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself and stay grounded throughout this journey. " Jungkook teared up , Yoongi never was soft to him , he always was cold, he believe that this was his natural till Jimin appear in there life , but he believe that it was exclusive for Jimin .

Jungkook got up and hugged Yoongi in a tight hug

Jungkook : " Thank you, hyung. I promise I'll give it my all and stay true to myself. "

Jimin went to them where they are hugging pulling Yoongi's T-Shirt

Jimin : " if i sing too you will be happy and hug me too ?? " Jimin asked innocently his eyes showing his jealousy from Yoongi being soft for someone other than him.

all of them burst into laughter

and Yoongi crouch in front of Jimin holding his cheek

Yoongi : " no you don't need to do anything to get a hug come here " and he pulled him in a tight hug and carried him to sit on his lap to process with there dinner .

Jimin leaned on Yoongi's shoulder holding him tightly

RM raised his glass

RM: " To Jungkook's new journey as a singer! May it be filled with success, happiness, and meaningful music. "

Everyone: " Cheers! "

Jimin : " i don't have a glass ?!! " Jimin pouted and crossed his arms above his chest

IU : " sorry baby i forgot to get you one " and she went to get him a glass but fill it with apple juice " there is your glass baby "

Jimin raised his glass to cheer with the family and toasts to Jungkook's decision. They express their support and enthusiasm for his singing career, embracing the new chapter in his life. With their encouragement, Jungkook feels motivated and grateful to have such a loving and supportive family by his side and most importantly the big fan who will be there in the audience when he will stand on the stage again .


hey guys what do you think now ?!

i can't believe it's already 50 Chapter 😅 

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