Chapter 88

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Flashback 2 Weeks ago ..

Author's POV : 

Taehyung Office .. 

Yoongi : "I'm sorry, Tae. I know I'm overloading you with work, but I just can't trust anyone outside of us. The others have gotten busy with their own tasks."

Taehyung sat in his office, surrounded by a mountain of files that needed his attention before signing them. He let out a weary sigh before responding to Yoongi.

Taehyung :  "Don't apologize, hyung. I'm happy that I can help. You know how much I enjoy working with you" 

Yoongi frowned, concern etched on his face.He know it's a sinsitive topic but he needs to pring this up in a way without triggering Tae's past .

Yoongi : "But it's too much, Tae. You really need to consider getting a secretary. You can't handle all of this on your own. J-Hope, Jungkook, and I all have our own secretaries to handle this kind of hassle."

Taehyung hesitated for a moment before responding, trying to find a reason for his reluctance.

Taehyung :  " you said it , Joonie hyung and Jin hyung has no secretary so I just follow their role " Yoongi shot Taehyung a skeptical look, clearly not convinced by his reasoning.

Yoongi : " That's because a café doesn't require a secretary, Tae. They took that role to handle the café matters. But in the factory, each of us needs someone to handle our schedules and meetings. Don't pretend you don't understand, Tae." 

Taehyung fell silent, his eyes fixed on the pile of files in front of him. Yoongi approached him and gently held his hand.

Yoongi : "I know it's hard, Tae. But you can still create the space you need, even if there's someone else nearby. Maybe having a secretary will help you feel better and let you know that there is nothing to be afraid off"

Taehyung looked up at Yoongi, his eyes pleading for understanding.

Taehyung : "Hyung, please... I'm trying my best. " Taehyung pleaded Yoongi to stop pressuring him .

Yoongi immediately regretted his words, realizing he had been pressuring Taehyung too much.

Yoongi : "I'm sorry, Tae... I didn't mean to push you so hard. I just want what's best for you" With those words, Yoongi left Taehyung alone, grappling with his inner turmoil.

Taehyung whispered to himself, tears streaming down his face.

Taehyung: "When will I ever be able to be as normal as you guys..."

He wiped away the tears, feeling the weight of his insecurities and wishing for a sense of normalcy that always seemed out of reach.


Yoongi's Office .. 

Yoongi dialed the number of the one person he thought could help salvage the situation.

Yoongi: "You need to come over now. I think I've messed everything up with Tae."

Jungkook, just finishing his classes, listened intently on the other end of the line.

Jungkook: "What happened? I'm on my way. Tell me, hyung."

Yoongi's voice was filled with remorse and concern as he explained the situation.

Yoongi: "I think I crossed the line by pressuring him to get his own secretary. But, Kook, you have to believe me. He really needs one."

Jungkook's heart sank, understanding the delicate nature of the situation. He knew how important it was to handle Taehyung's emotions with care.

Jungkook: "I'll talk to him, hyung. But please, try to understand. It won't be easy for him. If I fail to convince him this time, promise me you won't pressure him any further."

Yoongi let out a heavy sigh, realizing the gravity of his actions.

Yoongi: "I won't, Kook. The pain I saw in his eyes won't allow me to push him anymore. Just come here as soon as possible. He needs you."

Yoongi knew the special bond between Taehyung and Jungkook, recognizing that no one could ease Taehyung's pain better than his soulmate.

Jungkook assured Yoongi of his imminent arrival.

Jungkook: "Just give me five more minutes, hyung. I'll be there. We'll figure this out together."


Jungkook took a deep breath, steeling himself before he gently turned the doorknob to Taehyung's office. With a calm smile, he entered the room, finding Taehyung buried beneath a pile of files.

Jungkook :  "Should I report Yoongi hyung to Jin hyung for giving you so much work here?" 

Taehyung's eyes lifted from the file he was working on, meeting Jungkook's playful gaze.

Taehyung: "You're here!" Confusion flickered across Taehyung's face, as he knew Jungkook had classes and studio time, making his unexpected visit a surprise.

Jungkook :  "I missed my hyung, so I thought I'd drop by." Taehyung knew exactly why Jungkook had come.

Taehyung : "Yoongi hyung called you, right? Can't you all just understand that I'm perfectly fine without a secretary? Can't you let me work in peace in this damn office!!!"  Taehyung's frustration spilled out, his control slipping away.

Jungkook didn't bother with the anger on Taehyung voice and how loud he is and walked to him pulling him in a tight hug 

Jungkook : "I'm not here to argue, hyung. I'm here because Yoongi hyung knows he messed up and just wants to make sure you're okay " Tae stopped struggling to get out of Jungkook's hold.

Taehyung : " I'm not okay Kook , I'm not , and i will never be , I know how silly you think about me refusing having someone so close to me but .. but this one will be here with me .. alone .. what if .. what if he do something when you are not here .. what if by mistake he touch me , I just can't risk it  kookie .. I'm to adult to be afraid of something like this but I'm , and i don't know what to do to not be " 

Tears welled up in Taehyung's eyes as he poured out his deepest fears and insecurities to his Kookie, the weight of his vulnerability overwhelming him.

Jungkook : " I will never judge you hyung , I know how you suffer from your past , taking this step will never be easy , but like now i'm touching you , hugging you , you never flinch or feel you are scared right !! " 

Taehyung : " but .. that's you , I trust you "

Jungkook : " and beside me our hyungs .. beside our hyungs , our little Jiminie you already let him touch you , and i think this is something you were so brave to do "

Taehyung : " I .. I don't want my secretary to touch me " Tae frowned his eyebrows even if he started to calm a little.

Jungkook :  "Exactly , he don't need to , your office has CCTV cameras and everyday one of us will be here with you , if anything happened you can go for one of us , we can too add to the rules in the job that he needs to let a reasonable space when he is talking to you , presenting you as a badass boss who can't be touched " Tae smiled for the first time since Jungkook arrived making Jungkook relive

 Taehyung :  " it needs to be girl " 

Jungkook : " as you like " 

Taehyung : " and short , weak , fragile can be beaten easily " Jungkook laughed loudly at Tae requirements that needs to be on his secretary .

Jungkook : "Now I'm worried for the poor girl , are you going to torture her "

Taehyung : " hey .. don't make fun of me , I need to be sure she will not overpower me " Jungkook pulled him in another tight hug 

Jungkook : " As you wish hyung , and don't worry we will be there always for you "

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