Chapter 55

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Author's POV : 

IU held Jimin tightly in front of the surgical operating room, her own heart heavy with worry and fear. Jimin's tear-streaked face buried in her shoulder, his body trembling with the weight of the situation.

IU: "Everything will be okay, my love. Yoongi is strong, and the doctors will do everything they can to help him. We have to believe in him."

Jimin's voice trembled as he spoke, his words filled with confusion and pain.

Jimin: "But Mommy, he promised me he wouldn't get hurt. He said he was strong, and Uncle couldn't do anything to him. Why did this happen?"

IU's heart ached as she struggled to find the right words to comfort her son, her own worry threatening to overwhelm her.

IU: "Sometimes, things happen that we can't control, baby. But we have to stay strong and have faith. Yoongi is a fighter, and we're all here for him. We'll get through this together."

As they clung to each other, the rest of the brothers anxiously waited for any news, their faces etched with concern and fear. Jin, haunted by the act he had committed, stood with bloodied hands, his mind tormented by guilt and anguish.ow , but for his family he do it  , but what about the blood on his hand now 

the thoughts in his head couldn't stop

RM : " everything will be okay hyung don't think too much" RM, understanding the turmoil Jin was going through, stepped forward and enveloped him in a tight embrace.

Jin : " i killed him RM , i did what i forbid you all to do " RM now hugged him 

RM : " you did what the situation asked hyung , this fucker crossed the line already and hurt our family "

As the minutes ticked by in agonizing silence, the weight of uncertainty pressed down on them all. They clung to each other, seeking solace and comfort in their shared bond. The room echoed with whispered prayers and unspoken fears, each of them yearning for a positive outcome, for Yoongi's recovery and for the restoration of peace and happiness in their lives.

As the tension in the room grew, the brothers began to notice the toll the recent events had taken on Jimin. His frail form was evident, his clothes hanging loosely on his body, and dark circles under his eyes spoke of sleepless nights and unimaginable stress.

Jungkook, his voice filled with concern, spoke up first, his eyes scanning Jimin's haggard appearance.

Jungkook: "Jimin, baby, have you eaten anything? You look so pale. We need to get you checked out too."

Jimin's voice was barely a whisper as he replied, his exhaustion seeping through his words.

Jimin: "I... I couldn't eat. he... he didn't give me anything. And... and Uncle, he... he hurt me. i was tied all the time i can't even stand , no light , no food and even no water "

The words hung heavy in the air, the weight of Jimin's suffering causing a collective gasp to escape the brothers' lips. Their hearts clenched with pain and anger, realizing the extent of the abuse Jimin had endured.

Jin, his voice trembling with rage, took a step forward, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive.

Jin: "We need to get him to a hospital, now. He needs medical attention, and he needs to eat. We can't let him suffer any longer."

RM, his eyes filled with determination, nodded in agreement, his voice firm.

RM: "Let's get him to a room at the hospital immediately. We can't waste any more time. Jimin, we're here for you. We'll make sure you get the care you need."

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