chapter 37 - blind

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The bodyguards managed to catch Nari and the police were involved as it was counted as assault

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The bodyguards managed to catch Nari and the police were involved as it was counted as assault. The girls watched them take her away as they fought their way to the car.

Everything happened so fast, and Hyerin could not process it. They were in the car, making their way back to the dorm. "Hyerin are you okay? Did she hurt you?" Jiyoung asked. Hyerin snapped out of her reverie and looked at Jiyoung.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." She replied. "That bitch! I'll fucking kill her!" Seoyeon gritted her teeth angrily. Suddenly, Jiyoung got a call from their manager.

"Yes, I understand. Okay." She hung up. Jiyoung paused for a moment before speaking. "We have to go down to the station. They want your statement." Jiyoung looked at Hyerin.

God, why was this happening to me?  Hyerin thought.

They made their way to the station and the officers told them to take a seat. The company wanted to keep this on the low, and not inform anyone about it so they told her not to take any legal action.

Hyerin hesitated calling Jungwon, she knew he was busy and she didn't want to disturb him.

After a few minutes, the officer called Hyerin into the investigation room. "Hi, Hyerin. You can call me officer Hueningkai. How are you?" He spoke.

"I'm fine. Can we just get this over with?"

"Certainly. Just fill out this form and tell us everything that happened."

Hyerin did as told, and wrote down whatever she could. "So, do you want to press charges against her?" The officer asked.

"No, I don't. I just want to go home." Hyerin sighed. The officer nodded and led her out of the room. Since there were no charges pressed, they didn't take any legal action and Nari was free to go.

Just as Hyerin made her way out to meet the girls, she ran into the devil herself. "Kang Hyerin, long time no see huh?" Nari scoffed, cocking up a brow.

"What do you want, Nari?" Hyerin rolled her eyes.

"I want to ruin your career, your relationship, everything. You don't deserve to be an idol! You didn't deserve to debut! I did!" Nari yelled.

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