Part 10

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Storming out of the place, he couldn't help but deny the feelings that rose inside him in that Moment. What was that? He didn't wanna feel that way. He didn't want her to control him again,he didn't wanna be so deep in love that it overpower every other emotion. There was nobody who could tell him what had to be done , no one before SHE came along and he felt himself change for her..

He felt himself transform into someone she liked. Atleast that's how he remembered it and that memory was bitter. There was nothing magical about it. If you have to change for the person to love you back then that's the kind of relationship you should be getting out of. Completely disregarding all the times she supported him for him , loved him for being himself.

He had changed , but only for her, only letting go of those habits that brought him down in general. He would feel his anger and ego almost fade when she was around, and that's when they were at their best. Only if he saw it that way, he wouldn't hold it against her.

"Shekhu!! Wait up! What was that! Now don't even deny it , she had to just say it once, we were yelling our lungs out! But you stopped when SHE said it! Just tell me if you've ever felt I mean something to you " Shanaya wouldn't let it go. She had started with her emotional drama and puppy face. Of course she meant a lot to him but he just didn't wanna relive his past by speaking about it right now.

" okay later, I'll tell you, please?" He mouthed hoping she would consider this as a good deal? " FINE. And you're coming with me to the alumni party of ISRC tomorrow, as my date"he was about to say no, his nose brows Indicating he was irritated but she cut him "unless you want to go wit h her,I'll set it up, I'll go ask her right now wait!!" She said almost jumping with a glint in her eyes.

Randhir almost dragged her out of the corridor "don't even think about it. I'll come. " and she couldn't help but rejoice! She could use this to get almost anything done, she wondered ..there must've been something huge!

Sanyukta composed herself and walked out when she heard about the alumni and read that it needed a date..she was in no mood to party so she decided against it, only to her bad luck ,Nirman called and made her the coordinator of the party saying she was capable of doing only such jobs!

It hurt. It hurt bad that he didn't see her potential. But she was someone who never considered any job little. She'd do it. And she would do it SO well that he would be left awestruck. But it said you needed date? Whom would she take ?seemed like everyone here hated her. Aryan? Would he come? "I have a favour to ask? Can you ..?" She started off..

"I'll be there! 6 pm I'll pick you up from your room " he chuckled and she sighed. Of course he knew. He always knew lately whenever she needed him to be there, Aryan was there.

The next day, she was getting ready with Shanaya, she hadn't carried anything as fancy and formal for such an event. Shanaya handed her the gown and Sanyukta couldn't deny her charm. She looked at her amused,at first wondering how come she was Randhir? What were they actually? The sadu she knew would never tolerate someone so talkative. Maybe time can change anyone! But she was loveable,without a doubt ..

So if Randhir and Shanaya were in love, she wouldn't question it one bit. Holding the gown she stared wide eyed "I can't wear this! It's too..its..not what I usually wear Shanaya" she said staring at the tube gown! "But I don't have anything else which will suit the occasion. And this is Perfect, you'll look amazing !!" Shanaya mouthed in her ever so excited way!!

Sanyukta decided hell why not? This was a new beginning! Wasn't it?

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