Part 15

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Thanks a ton for the cover Aakansha 😘❤️

Here goes :) sorry for the delay !!

She slid out of her door only to see Randhir still waiting. It was really happening. It wasn't all a dream, he was still there for her and she loved it. She couldn't fight the urge to slip her hands into hers, she just needed to hold him, and never let go. He clasped on it tighter like he always used to! Reassuring her , as if reading her mind..

FB :
Right after a set of terrorist had almost wrecked their lives apart. Endangered their friends, killed their beloved professor, and Randhir had been shot. They had broken up at the time , but well that was just a term, at no point were they apart emotionally..

Even when he said he hated her, he was around, he used to say it was to make her life hell, but his heart didn't let him hurt her further, when she was in pain, he was the one who got her food & looked after her..he was ALWAYS there, no matter how bad the situation between them got! Then why was it that these two years were different ?!

When they had decided to give each other another chance knowing and realising that living without the other wasn't living at all, a ghost of a life. It was just going about life cz you were Put on the planet. They knew their life was either TOGETHER or nothing at all..

Even with all the awkwardness of the break up , when they decided to be one, she wanted to start it off by holding his hand, and his heart warmed up as she held on to his, holding it tighter than ever, telling her that this time he wouldn't leave.

But he did. And so she snapped back into reality. Not knowing what to feel. Two years.

"I sleep here Randhir , I'll be fine now, go get some sleep" he felt her trying to loosen the grip of their clasped hands. His hands automatically letting go, he used to let go too easy , he always did , he always thought time dominated them & the situation always overpowered his feeling, he always felt himself question her love for him, so when she wanted him to let go, he let go..

He was regaining his senses but he realised how it still hurt when she didn't want to be around. "Okay I'll go" he managed maintaining a straight face. And she immediately closed her eyes, not wanting to cry at the amount of joy she had felt tonight. And how it was all going to be taken away the next morning.

He came back after a few minutes only to see her cheeks moist. She had put herself to sleep crying about how they nothing could make this real now! He felt himself wanting to badly wipe those away, but he didn't. He knew he wasn't going to be around , Infact he hadn't been, he didn't want to start caring again, moreover he didn't want her to expect that care again.

But his heart never stopped caring. Not in these two years. Not in a million years. It never would. She owned that part of his.

"I've got your heart and I won't give it baaaackkk"

Heart Wants What It Wants - SANDHIR current shot ❤️Where stories live. Discover now