Part 52

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"Aryan what the hell! You almost got her killed! What the hell is this! What are you even into? You'll both would've died! " Randhir muttered pissed off and scared. He Almost lost her today. She almost left him forever today and he didn't want that feeling to sink in, he didn't want to let go, their time wasn't done, they hadn't even lived yet!

The adrenaline was so much that right now the only two options where fight or flight. He had done the first. He had seen that gun in that mans hand, he had seen him touch Sanyukta and the only time he wasted in between was looking for an object to hit him with. Once he found the barrel, he wasted no time to knock this man off and that's when Aryan shot at the man's unconscious frame.

Out of fear, out of instinct. He didn't want to take a chance. But he knew the trouble that would come with it , he would have to do some immediate covering up and make it look like this man was put to rest for multiple reasons and by a well wisher of the society. He needed to keep this anonymous "Randhir can you please take care of her, I'll just sort this out and meet you at ISRC!!" He mumbled trying to calm Randhir down and started to set out proofs to be released immediately in the media..

"Do not tell me or guide me on what I should do with her! I very well know and don't need advice from someone who almost got her killed! " he hushed in a rage, picking her up in his arms "she wasn't meant to be here Randhir! I told her not to, 10 times! And she still came!!" He defended trying to sort his head !!

"Of course she would! Don't you know her!!!" Randhir barked at him before leaving the site and taking her to his bike quickly. There was Noway  he could take her to the hospital on this so he waited for a rickshaw and rushed to the hospital at once..

"She,umm doctor she needs help, can you please check what happened ? "He was hesitant because he knew they couldn't reveal the reason for her shock.."she just fainted on seeing something ..please can you.." He repeated again, and the doctor arranged for the facilities immediately "Her name ? And you are? Also fill the forms and we'll look after her, relax"

"Sanyukta Agarwal, age 25, I'm.. Im her husband, Randhir Singh Shekhawat, and please hurry up!" He blurted all in one go and the doctor looked a little surprised with the names, "Agarwal you say? You'll are married?" He asked and Randhir really didn't have time to get into the details "Yes, she never wanted to change her surname, so we left it that way, I'll fill you in the marriage details later, for now, please!!"

The doctor walked off taking Sanyukta inside for the check up as Randhir  waited outside thinking about the million other ways tonight could've ended. What if he hadn't knocked that guy out in time? What if he shot Sanyukta? What if Randhir didn't follow her? What if he never overheard Aryan and Sanyukta? What if she never ran away from his hold back in her room? What if he hadn't filed for those divorce papers, she'd never get so mad in the first place! What if just what if she kept sleeping in his arms happily like the would've all those years ago? What if he Never Left?

It all boiled down to that! All of the different possibilities and conclusions drew him back to Him Leaving Her. Him walking out on their marriage. Him leaving her side after promising a lifetime of togetherness, no matter what the situation. And he broke down. Thinking about how he had failed her today, failed their love all those years back. "It's all my fault Sanyukta.. " he whispered and then yelled but no one was listening..

The doctor walked out after a while telling Randhir that she was just unconscious and would be fine within sometime .. He said he could meet her and Randhir ran inside the ward not waiting to hear further.. He stopped only when he reached her bed "Sanyukta , you're okay right? I'm so sorry this happened.." He said holding her face..

"She needs to rest and she'll be okay and we've given her the required medicines..Don't worry Mr. Shekhawat, your wife will be okay.." He consoled holding his shoulder and Randhir didn't bother to acknowledge it, "Thanks a lot doctor" that's when someone else did , instead of him and that voice irritated him to no ends..

"Get out Aryan! Now!" He yelled standing up and the doctor immediately asked him to keep quiet or take this outside.. "Calm down Randhir.. I just need to see if she's okay, I really didn't mean for any of this to happen and I swear I didn't imagine that she would come! I would never..." He was cut midway when Randhir hissed " put her life in danger? Get her killed? Do it intentionally? Really? But guess what you did, and it happened and look at this now!" He said pointing at her, tears forming in his eyes..

"It's my job Randhir, what I do is something I love and I've been doing it for a while, I don't need to explain it to you but Sanyukta has known about this all along, had I known she was coming , I would've aborted the damn mission!" Aryan tried hard explaining and then looking at her condition.. He tried to caress her cheek when Randhir hit his hand hard " Don't you dare! Don't even try to get close to her ever now, I don't trust you nor do I trust this little hobby of a job that you have! " he said glaring right at him..

"She'll want to see me Randhir, sooner or later and that's something you can't avoid, she'll ask you about me, and I'm going to be there for her. I'll wait outside.." He walked off knowing this bit of Sanyukta. And even Randhir knew she would. If she could put her life at risk for him , then she definitely cared a hell lot, but that could wait for now..

As soon as Aryan left the room, Randhir threw his arms around her frame, holding her close to him, "I wish I'd never let you go, I wish we could've worked on us, I left because I concluded you weren't the girl I ever wanted my life with, but you are Sanyukta, you're everything I want and need, and I was too naive to know that? Or maybe plain stupid, but I thought it was the right decision. I made it so hard on you, forget the ego, I made it impossible for you to reach me even.. wasn't our egos which tore us apart Sanyukta. It was me and my lack in faith and my trust faltering , and my assumptions on how we could never make it, never make each other happy, and that scared me! All my childhood all I dealt with was unhappiness , emptiness and the fear of losing my loved ones, and then you happened, and you changed all of that!

And I thought we could be happy forever, but I forgot we were humans, we were individuals who had dreams and opinions. I don't know why, I won't blame my past anymore, but your dreams and ideologies scared me at times, I was in a constant fear of losing the one person I loved the most, and that wasn't a life I wanted again, I didn't want to relive my childhood Sanyukta..

But you were so much more, nothing like my mother, so worth the fight, and I left because I was a coward, you walking out on me would be the end of me and it wasn't something I was willing to risk .. I thought if I left , then that would solve my fear, then You would never be able to Leave Me. Then you wouldn't have that power to hurt me..

But that was my biggest mistake Sanyukta. Because I've never been more Miserable than I was these two years without you. All my inhibitions and fears only became worse when I had to live without you and you weren't even there to comfort me through it. I felt stupid each day and each day I tried to gather the courage to come back to you..

But I couldn't Sanyukta ,I'm such a coward, I just Couldn't imagine the risk of you turning me down, of you having moved on, of you not wanting me back, of you preferring a life without me, and I could never man up and beg you to take me back, I assumed it would be a lost battle, a vain effort, an unheard cry .."

And he began to sob into harder each minute he spoke. But it was all right from his heart. All right to her heart. Things he wouldn't be able to say maybe if he knew she was awake?!

A/N : longest so far. And personally the one I've loved the most maybe ❤️
Also maybe second last chapter :'(

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