Part 25

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"It's that I know him though ,I know his heart and I know what he wouldn't do to hurt me.."

My Sanyukta..Randhir's actions ...Sanyukta's bizarre reaction. It was enough proof. So they weren't just friends. Aryan and Shanaya had seen it all. Her "going all out " when it came to Randhir and his "blazing whirlwind of feelings "in his eyes. What were they? How serious was it ? And moreover being so close to them how come this topic never came up?

Shanaya stood there looking at Randhir as held Sanyukta with so much care. They had hugged, held each other, been really close in these two years. But what she saw today ,what she Couldn't take her eyes off was the authority yet delicacy of his hold on Sanyukta. He held her like he needed to save her & like she was only HIS to be saved.

There was a certain intimacy that she swore she hadn't experienced with him till date. An intimacy which wasn't the overboard or making others uncomfortable type. It was the one you could stand at a distance and adore, the one in which you would know that these two belonged to one another even without hearing their conversation , the type which clearly stated- when they were talking,the rest of the world was a blur. Them against the world.

She had thought that's what she and Randhir were. "Partners in crime "she often joked but today she felt reality popping her bubble.

Aryan had stormed out long back. It hadn't taken him long to figure. He didn't know what they were but for his mental stability he knew in this moment,he'd rather not know.

Sanyukta was least concerned about her burn, but she couldn't help but lose herself in that moment. Having him wrap her up genuinely because he cared. His words never affected her, he often spoke like he hated her when all he wanted to do in life was be there for her.

FB :
"Get out of my room, why are you here?" Randhir had asked irritated when she cutely snuck into his room to be with him.
"Why? To trouble you of course, what are you doing ?!?"she had tried peeping into what he was working on which made him snap.

Standing up ,he held both her hands behind her back and pushed her against the wall,holding in her place. "When I tell you to get out and leave me alone, why do you have to act so over smart?" He hissed into her ear from the back..

She had smiled knowingly..there something he was hiding which was the reason for all of this..she had tuned into his arms ..gazed deep into his eyes "when you can be over smart, why can't I ?she had said sexily now forking her fingers through his hair and that was all it took to completely own his attention..
Of course things had changed now. But he hadn't changed. Even today he was hiding something. Something he didn't want to show her, but the look on his face almost tore her apart. He was hurt,yet concerned about her..

"Show me your hand"she immediately started to caress his burnt skin. That's when a peon walked in with a bucket of ice and said that Aryan sir sent it for her. She smiled thinking about him, he genuinely did care about her .."leave my hand..move" that's when she felt Randhir wriggle out of her grip..

Glaring at him, she held on tighter,picking up few cubes she started to rub it over his skin. And she saw his eyes water but he didn't yell,and that made her tear up "why are you so reckless?"

"What this? This is nothing Sanyukta. What you did to me was worse. You've made me immune to any kind of pain. Nothing matches up to what you did" he said in all sincerity. "You left me in the worst state of my life. What's worse !You were responsible for it! Only Shanaya was with me.." He said pointing only to realise everyone else was long gone ..

What was he saying. Would he blame her for all of it?"you left me Randhir!!"

"You didn't leave me with an option. You pushed me till the very end of my tolerance. There was nothing left to stay for Sanyukta" he spoke looking right into her eyes. "Not even our marriage ?" She saw his expression soften slightly before turning into a dark sarcastic laugh..

"Marriage?Huh? Look Your boyfriend sent you some ice. Why are you bringing up something that even you don't remember of?" And if his taunt wasn't enough..he walked passed her, kicking the bucket of ice on his way out...

"But then you make me feel crazy , you make me feel like it was my fault " -SelGo. Heart wants what it wants :'(

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