Part 53

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"Who said? "Came her feeble muffled voice from underneath him.. "Sanyukta???! "He detached their frame, shocked. Had she heard all of it? She was up? Was she okay? Was she talking in her sleep again? He needed to call the doctors ? Or was he just hearing her voice in his head?

He was about to ring the alarm to call the docs inside but she grabbed onto him and held him tightly, assuring that she was okay and she wanted him right where he was.."who said I wouldn't take you back Randhir? Who said that I would ever leave you ?Who said that I could move on in life without you?! What made you think all of these things Randhir?"

"I don't know..."he sighed, honestly.. "My assumptions got the better of me! My fear overtook all other emotions, my insecurities killed us." He said hiding his face in her neck, not able to face her , not able to look her in the eye. "So you mean you let our love lose?" She asked not hugging him back.. Just staring at the ceiling above.

"No ! My love lost. I let it happen, I let other emotions take over! I thought I loved you in a way no one else in the world could love anybody, but I lost, I lost to you, your love! You didn't love me more, but you loved me better.. You knew how to love Sanyukta, how to love without inhibitions, to trust without fear..that's where you won.." He said sitting back up and looking away from her..

"Look me in the eyes and talk Randhir, you're still running, you're still scared, you're fear is all the more present right now.." She tried to turn him around but her position wasn't helping. So she decided to sit up.. Trying to support herself up, but she was still weak, first the fever and then she fainted thinking she died.. It was all too much and she slipped back down groaning..

"What are you doing Sanyukta! Why do you want to sit! Lie down!!"he instantly looked at her, holding her shoulders and supporting her.. But she shoved his hands away " why can't you look at me and show the same love and be honest to yourself all the time? Do I need to be Dying to Get Your Love!!?" She looked so heartbroken but it was all true.

Even he knew it. His world would come crashing down when any small thing went wrong with her, but not when she was normally going along with life?! "What? Dying? You're never dying! Even if I have to defy destiny and God for that! Nothing is happening to you! You're okay.."he said his eyes now stinging with tears at the thought of losing her for life, he had just experienced that feeling at the Gala. And it felt worse than death itself.

"You didn't answer me Randhir! Do I have to be dying to experience your love? Because honestly I can't keep repeating that many times, there'll be a time I won't be lucky enough to make it back and try a stunt again! There'll be a time I'll be gone forever.." She said trying to shake him up and knock in some sense into him.. But he looked at her like a baby would watch when someone told the baby that Santa doesn't exist, it's just us , your parents.

He looked at her with the same disbelief in his eyes. The same vulnerability of probably having his favourite, most important thing taken away. Losing Sanyukta forever was something he could never imagine dealing with. He could live his life loving her from afar but she needed to be his universe.

That's why in these two years when he did his best to keep away, he still checked up on her when she tried to keep in touch, he still wrote those letters to her, believing she existed in his world, and he would drag himself through life, knowing that singular truth. His life was still about her. All the emotions he felt each day..
Anger, envy, hate, loathe, jealousy, love, care,affection, concern, fear, sadness, trust , hope. All of it.

If someone ever wrote His Story, it would have only Sanyukta playing the lead. From the time she walked into his life to the time his life ended. It would be all about her! Everyday, each moment, each instant in time.

"But you can't go forever ..." He mumbled scared, tearing his eyes away from her thinking about how meaningless life would get. She had had enough. He still wouldn't answer straight. He was stuck on something insignificant at the moment and it irritated her and then she remembered Aryan "Just call Aryan? Where is he? I need to meet him! And you, you can leave, he'll take it from here" she said exasperated..

"What?!?! NO. THAT GUY isn't coming anywhere close to you!" He said standing up holding his finger pointed at the door beyond which Aryan was.. She looked at him confused, now wasn't the time to get jealous. She needed to know if her friend was alright .. "I'll call him myself, shut the door as you leave..." She said now looking at her phone.

She loved him. She knew. He loved her she knew. But love isn't enough! As much as you want it to be, as much as you think you can live your life based on that ,it's just not it. And if he wasn't willing to talk after all of this, and if she had to pretend to lie down unconscious for him to speak... Then that wasn't something she was in for. It had to be mutual.

"No! He's not coming here! He almost got you killed! Give me that.."he pulled the phone from her hand and glared at her.. "He's fine! Nothing's happened to him, you need to take care of yourself!" He was cut off by the sound of the emergency alarm that she banged her hand on and the docs and nurses came running inside. What was he even thinking, she always found a way around..

The doc immediately checked her and Aryan walked in too, "are you okay Aryan? What happened ? I'm so sorry, it's all my fault.." She began apologising for putting their lives at risk and Randhir immediately snapped " It's all his fault damn it, why are you saying sorry?!" He glared still very pissed off with Aryan .. That's when the doctor told Randhir to come outside, as he needed to discuss her discharge.."Mr. Shekhawat, may we?"

He walked out eyeing her to not try anything stupid again and she purposely told Aryan "So those guns you use? Can I try it one day ?" Aryan scrunched his face confused. She was generally very freaked out with weapons. And Randhir yelled from across the room" Sanyukta!!!!! Stop. I'll be back in two minutes!" She felt herself smile as he left the room..

They were messed up. And in deep shit when it came to their relationship but she knew one thing, they were both hopelessly in love with each other , they just had the most different , absurd ways and moments to express it.

Aryan sat beside her adoring her smile and she smiled seeing that she was okay .."you look like you're in a good mood, Randhir manages to cheer you up somehow..doesn't he?" He said softly..not out of envy but pure surprise.. He used to make her smile too, not just one day or one time , but at any time possible. Still it wasn't the way Randhir could, nowhere close.

Today when he saw her smile, and blush within her smile, all at once.. Even when Randhir wasn't trying at all.. That's what made him realise. She loved him. No matter how screwed up he felt Randhir  was,no matter how differently his and Randhir's love was, there were so many things about Randhir he didn't approve of, none of that mattered. Their equation was beyond him, but he knew that Randhir could genuinely bring that smile on her face, which he had always craved to see..

"Ummm no, that's ... No, anyway forget that , how are you? What about that guy?" She asked curiously and apologised a couple of times more as he explained the happenings..

Randhir walked back in to see them talking and her chirping away at how good she thought the event was, he wasn't fond of Aryan, especially after what happened today, but he knew she had found a true companion in him, someone who genuinely cared for her.."we're leaving in an hour, you can freshen up till then, and Aryan I'm sorry I yelled but I'd do it again and even worse if anything of this sort ever happens again!"

Sanyukta's jaw dropped hearing him apologise so casually so quickly to Aryan.. Yes he covered it up with his warnings, but that was just how he said sorry. If he could sort matters out so easily with others, why was them conversing in a civil way such an issue? "No I'm not leaving till you and I talk!" She said adamantly.

A/N : Damn what was I thinking ! I obviously can't wrap up in one chapter! This ones so long still I'm not done 🙈 I guess you'll will know when I'm done :)
For now here it is ❤️

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