Part 48

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Now I know we said things, did things
That we didn't mean and we fall back into the same patterns
Same routine, but your temper's just as bad, as mine is
You're the same as me, but when it comes to love, you're just as blinded

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie

Randhir then tucked her in bed and sat beside her..looking at her face, looking at how unwell she looked and he just couldn't take it. He ran in to get some ice water and a cloth..then he carefully placed the wet cloth on her head, hoping the fever would reduce. His hands trembled as she groaned out of pain "Sanyukta what do you need? I'm here.." He asked now panicking..

He hadn't realised how bad her condition had gotten over the night.."Sanyukta wake up and take these" he whispered in her ears as she shifted in bed, but she just wouldn't open her eyes. She looked so weak , "please take these medicines.." He patted her cheeks a bit.. "Nooo.." She pushed his hand away and held on to the blanket, her body now shivering.

"Why are you so stubborn Sanyukta!! Look now it's increasing , it's getting worse, fine the doctor will find a way to give you these..I'll go call him.." As soon as she felt his weight lift off the bed, she held out her hands and caught onto his arms quickly  "No doctor please ..." She whined adorably and he held her hand tightly trying to assure her that it would be okay "I'll be right here too..but You need a doctor Sanyukta .."

He tried to free himself from her hold but she tugged on his arms "I feel like I won't be okay, I feel like I'll never get you back.."she murmured delusional..he didn't even know if she was awake. Little did he know this always happened to her, and her dad would often freak out with his daughters words. She often sounded like she didn't want to live this life anymore. After Randhir left, after she thought she lost Parth , after she thought she'd lost her passion forever, there were so many nights she'd do this to herself.

Just cry. Out of emptiness. What was there to live for? No dream, no friends , no love, no Randhir. This was one of the major reasons her dad had realised how much his daughter needed her passion for engineering back. It would be the only thing which would keep her going. He had tried numerous ways to get her back into it, but had failed. Mr. Agarwal knew she only got through each day cz of his love for his daughter. And he did everything he could , but never managed to fill the void she held..

"Sanyukta please .. " he sat back down that instant holding her hand close to his chest and wiping the tears that she wept in her sleep.."nothing will happen to you, I won't let anything happen to you!!" He said hugging her now..and her warm cheeks rubbed against his stubbled ones..

" that you?! You came back?" and he looked up to look into her eyes..but no luck. She still wasn't conscious. And these things she was saying were killing him slowly. "I'm right here Sanyukta, open your eyes? See I'm here!" He tried some more..

"No You're not my Randhir left me long back..and he was very upset. I told him so many times I didn't do it..but he didn't care.. He never cared..he didn't love me I think.." Each word of hers was so hard to hear, so hard to take. "He loved you Sanyukta. He loved you with all his life ,more than a lifetime!" He said placing his head on her warm one and sobbing now..

He kissed her forehead and she automatically smiled murmuring his name. There was only one word, one name, that resonated all the while and he kept kissing her each time she said it.. Wiping away her tears, making her smile was the best feeling. He had achieved a lot as a kid, till date there were many trophies attached with His Name.

But he couldn't  compare any of it ,to the day when he had got his Sanyukta. The day she had confessed that she loved him. The first time she ever said it was when she broke her engagement, in front of hers and her fiancé 's family. She had held Randhir's hand and said it ever so proudly, that HE was the man she loved. And her choice was the right one.

No one ever stood up for him before that. No one had ever come so close and broken down his walls. No one ever gave a damn about his feelings like she did. That day he was certain he had fallen for the right girl. That day he had decided he'll always fight for her happiness, her dreams, her smile. Because nothing, no one, gave him that feeling of accomplishment , that her smile gave him. Her happiness was the biggest achievement of his life.

"How did I screw up this bad Sanyukta? How did we get so messed up? I loved you so much and I know you did too..I lost you because of my own insecurities.. " he cried hugging her. And she snuggled into him. He was the exact amount of warmth her body needed. Not just today, not just because she had a fever. His arms had always been her destination.

He saw her holding onto to his tee wanting to make herself warm and at home. And so he did. He carefully adjusted himself on her bed, under the duvet and then carefully guided her frame onto his.. She held on tighter and adjusted herself over his chest.. Her warm nose snuggling at his collar bone. She looked so adorable.. He couldn't help but smile and pull her closer, his hands resting on her waist.

"Randhir come back.."she inched closer.. And he knew she'd cry again, "I'm already here, i never left Sanyukta.." He tried to calm her down.."no you left me..I hate you.." She tried to pull away, her subconscious mind deciding all her actions. "No I was always right here, in your heart.." He smiled sadly, not knowing what to feel, his own words now breaking him, but he had to, had to make her feel better.

She wriggled some more when he took her hand ,which was holding his tee, in his hand, held it tight and kissed it hard. As if promising her, that he was always by her side. That she hadn't left his heart. That there wasn't a single day he didn't miss her. That it took the Randhir out of him to stay away from his Sanyukta. That kiss held so much pain, "Sanyukta please, I love you.." And she would relax instantly in his arms..

He just stayed there for the next few hours, letting her heal in his arms..answering few questions she used to murmur in her sleep, some were so hard. Some were adorable and he cried at how much he missed adoring his favourite person..

He didn't know when he drifted off to sleep too. Last night had been one of the worst nights he ever went through and today he was sleeping with a small smile on his face. Holding her, his cheek resting on her head, his other hand intertwined with hers..

Sleeping is a necessity and a luxury every man deserves. It is like fuel to a car. It is required to keep you going. But in these two years Randhir had lost all meaning of that.. He slept because his body demanded it time to time. He hated it at other times. The darkness, fear of unknown dreams, memories of his loved ones, it scared him.

Until today. Today when he slept with her in his arms again. He felt safe, he felt secure, he felt loved. He felt like he didn't want this to end, like he could lay there forever and still be the happiest man alive.

A/N : Sooooo!! This was a happy something, just cause you know , we deserve it!😅😘

What do you'll think will happen now? Uphill/Downhill ? Let me know in the comments!!

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