Part 47

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"You were everything ,everything that I wanted !
We were meant to be! Supposed to be!
But we lost it!
All of those memories so close to me..
Just fade away..
All this time you were pretending..
So much for my happy ending!! "
-Avril Lavigne - My happy ending.

Aryan had held her close, and she wasn't in a state to react to anything, anyone , any noise! She was crying in his arms when Randhir walked in ,rather barged in with the little bit of authority that he felt he had regained on her in the past day. But he didn't know his old found authority would be crumbled. Atleast not so soon.

And it hurt. After all those lectures he gave himself the previous night. After all of those things he made himself understand. Saying it would be the absolute last time he would let her hurt him. But there she was in Aryans arms on her bed, with him wrapped around her like vine. And he couldn't help but want to cry..

And he did. A loud cry, in form of her name "Sanyuktaaaaa!! " he yelled more out of pain than anything. He didn't want her in his arms, he wasn't even jealous , he didn't even wonder how Aryan was in her room this early, all he felt was betrayed. Betrayed by a love he lost long ago. What could he say to her?

Only his sound could make her snap out of the pit of depression she was letting herself fall into. Pushing Aryan apart, she sat up on her bed, her frame trembling ,half with the sound of his voice and partly because of the fever that had now caught on in full power. Just with one look into his eyes and she knew , she knew he was upset with what he walked in at, he would deny it by she knew.

"Randhir.. Rrr.." She whispered feebly, her voice hardly making its way out. The emotional stress had taken a toll on her. She remembered the many times she cried so hard after he left , and she's stay up all night thinking about what they couldn't be. And her dad would be worried At how often she fell sick..

"Randhir please! She's had enough! Look at her, her body is burning.. She needs rest.." Aryan stood up, now wanting to calm Randhir down. Whatever it was, could wait. Her health was his only concern. Just for a moment there he saw Randhir soften, he saw his concern in his eyes, and there was something else he saw which Aryan couldn't pin point.

"I won't take time ,I just need to give these to her .."he said not shifting his gaze from her. She looked so pale, so broken, so drained. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her. Aryan caught hold of the documents just as Randhir was going to walk away with it. He was about to leave it for later. He knew she wouldn't be able to stand it right now. Even though she asked for it!

"I'll give them to her , just leave for now? You're already responsible for this state of hers!" He said giving him the cold shoulder and going back to sit next to Sanyukta. "What is it Randhir?" She asked completely out of the blue , with whatever little strength she had left. She only spoke cz this mattered.

He looked at her for a few long seconds and she knew, he didn't have to say it. She didn't have to hear it. She knew. But it just didn't feel right. Just didn't feel real. Just couldn't be happening .. So she insisted ..insisted, knowing that it would hurt more .."say it Randhir..say it !" She spoke louder this time, tears smudging her face..

She stood up now staggering to him and he immediately held her.. No hesitation. Only love. But she pushed him away, only to herself fall backwards .. And Aryan held her.."why can't you say it?!!!" She looked at him, now with one emotion. Anger. She had said it about a hundred times yesterday .. She didn't want it,yet he never waited to listen.

She barged at him with her fist wrapping around his tee, and shook his entire being, wanting him to own up to his impulsiveness. He always did this, he always ruined everything with his anger fuelling his impulsive decisions. "Sanyukta stop it! Just go sleep. We'll talk later! " Randhir could now feel her body close to his. It was so warm, it scared him to death.

"No why do you care? Why this fake concern Randhir ? Do the job! Say what you came for and get done with this! Anyway you've taken your decision, yourself , long back, this is just formality!! And you conveniently found me to blame !! " she was now yelling but her body was giving up..

"You want to nullify you're guilt for leaving, and want to console yourself that what you did those years ago was right. You're still trying to convince yourself that you made the correct decision when you walked out on us! And I've always been that person for you, I've always taken all the blame, so be it. I want a divorce. If that's what will help you wake up tomorrow morning and get out of bed without feeling the guilt. Then fine. Cz even now Randhir. Even now I want you to always be happy ! With or without me!!" She said with her stern face but her heart was in a million pieces.

Aryan opened the papers that very second and she was right. Randhir had actually brought them! And Sanyukta knew it without Randhir mentioning a word! "Sanyukta sit down, please.." Aryan mumbled fearing her reaction. She seemed to be in a zone. The zone in which nobody else had a say!

Her head was throbbing by now and she knew she was about to faint. And Randhir could see it even before she realised.. "Sanyukta ..are you..." and she fell, fell only to be held in his arms. He held her tight, his own eyes glossy, her words crushing his insides. He didn't know why and how he was still standing. Maybe it was for her, maybe he needed her to be okay, before he would break down. "Aryan can you ...? "

He gestured wanting Aryan to leave.. He would handle her, anyway the discussion was getting way too personal. Aryan couldn't believe what he had heard. They were filing for divorce?! He felt all the more disgusted with Randhir ,but he knew he couldn't comment. He couldn't judge cz he didn't know the full deal, but he knew one thing. Randhir was the one who has messed it all up! Who had hurt her..and he couldn't help but be mad , "you don't deserve her.."

He murmured giving Randhir one last look, as Randhir made her lie down..Randhir didn't look wasn't shocking that Aryan felt that, there were so many times Randhir himself felt that. But right now it didn't matter. He needed her to be okay first...

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