Part 45

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A/N: okay sorry for the week break! Just didn't get any time :(
But but but what I was doing was worth it! I had the bestest seats to the Mumbai V RCB match (Credit- Daddy dearest!) this time and DAMN VIRAAAAT KOHLIIIII!

He was fielding right in front of me for a while! SUCH A HIGH!! Still not over it! I'm a crazy ass Mumbai Indian supporter but VIRAAAATTT! He's my favourite. When they lost ,He was sad at first.. But smiled once he was called to he's the most spirited sports man I've ever seen.

He's passionate, he gives in his 1000% but it's not everyday that things go your way, and he takes the loss so well. Another game,another day. Take it as it goes✌🏻️

Okay so let's get back to the story, also remember you'll chose the twist! So I'm going to go with it :) Keep faith.

"I thought that I'd been hurt before
But no one's ever left me quite this sore
Your words cut deeper than a knife
Now I need someone to breathe me back to life"- Stitches, Shawn Mendes.

He walked out of her room ,dazed and hurt. Banging into the on goers, it was a busy morning in ISRC! Everyone was focussed on achieving, setting aims, reaching targets, changing the future, helping the mankind.. And then there were these two, clueless about their future together,broken beyond repair,focussed only on each other.

He walked into his room and crashed to the floor after punching his companion (the punching bag) with the minute amount of energy left in him. He hated this feeling. Betrayal in love, that's what it felt like! Why love at all when it made you feel like shit more than half the time?

He could still taste her, the feeling of her lips on his, the touch of her cheek, her tears, it was all still there. It had felt like heaven. Like his reason for being, like his sole motive to exist, that he wasn't even living a life for these two years, like he hadn't smiled genuinely for so long, like she was his purpose of being brought upon this planet, it had felt like,just maybe, for those few minutes, they were meant to be.

Then her words echoed "let's talk about our marriage Randhir? Or the Divorce?!" And he didn't understand how but it hurt more than it had when she said it. How could a shattered heart break anymore? He wondered. Maybe when you'd stomp your leg all over it, yeah that's what it felt like. Suffocating. He could feel his tear clog at his throat, it hurt, as he tried to stop himself..

Then he shoved his head into the pillow and sobbed..eyes, heart, soul out! "One time, last time Randhir ,this once you'll cry and then done!" He tried to convince his mind to allow his emotions out just this once. But he had said this before , he had cried for her before,he had cried when they were apart, would it never stop? Maybe divorce would give him closure too?

Meanwhile Sanyukta sat on the floor , a lifeless soul, in search of answers, why had she asked Randhir that? He had just asked her if she loved him. Which was wrong, completely wrong on his part to put her on a spot and question her after two years, but was it so wrong that she could hurt him to this extent? Had she become this heartless? Why had she become this person?

She tried to hurt him back. Was that what her love had turned into? Sitting with her hands around her legs, close to her frame, she pondered on the kind of person this love had turned her into..and she didn't like the feeling..she felt like she didn't know this person, she felt lost and insecure today.

Someone knocked on Randhir's door,as he sobbed more and more. When the knocks didn't die out he yelled "just go away Sanyukta! Please go away!!" His irritation clear from his tone! He thought she was still convince him that that wasn't what she meant!

The knock died down that instant and Randhir was shocked. How? She gave up? That stubborn girl stopped? If she came following him till here and wanted to be heard by him, she would make that happen by hook or by crook! There was NOWAY she would stop because he said. Infact all she ever did was go against anything he said..what was different today?

Today,more than ever! She wanted to be heard, she wanted to make him believe what she was saying..the Sadu in him ran..out of panic, for his Farzi, just to check upon her..opening the door he blurted "Sanyukta !! Don't you get it? I told you..." And his voice dropped that instant, looking at a face which was now glossy in tears, hurt so bad, more than a ton times today, because of him.

"Shanaya..." He breathed..fearing a reaction, a rage, some hate! But nothing came. Not one word. And she turned and that's when he knew.. He might've just lost her as well. The one person who held his hand through these two years, who loved him wholly for himself and didn't ever question his actions, the person who made him laugh when he didn't want to live anymore. That person. That Shanaya.

And he ran. "Please! Okay I'm .. I just thought ..she ...I told her.. Okay it doesn't matter ,you're here and I need you and I need to explain it all..I didn't mean to really .." He blabbered desperate to make her wait! Anything, anyhow! "It's already started hasn't it Randhir? Her, she, you, both of you'll.."

She uttered with a small smile..seeing her Shekhu in a mess. Atleast He looked like her Shekhu. And he stood there not believing what she said.. Randhir? she never called him that! Since the time he had said his name, it had always been Shekhu for Shanaya. It hurt.

"What? Nothing has started. You'll brought it up again! We're done.. A long time back Shanaya! Please understand!Why would I lie ..." And that made her snap! Why would he? "Maybe cz you have been since the past two years! So this is just so normal for you! " she yelled completely taking him off guard! She never reacted this way.

In that moment a fear took over him. Did Shanaya truly hate him? He didn't think he had the strength to handle his own hate for Sanyukta, and if Shanaya left his side right now, he'd be left with nothing. "I'm umm.. We're filing for divorce tomorrow! I'll send the papers to her, going to end something officially, which never existed..." He spoke in a rush trying to prove his point that they were done.

She looked at him incredulously .."Are you insane? Who asked you to do that? What the hell Randhir? I just saw you'll kissing back there!! What kind of a person are you!" She would've gone on  and on about how disgusting he was being but his one sentence brought the corridor to silence in a moment.. "She asked for it!"

He yelled at her face and then staggered back to his room, emotionally drained and done for the day.

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