Part 41

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A/N : Hello!!! So Payphone by Maroon 5 goes so utterly well with this situation. It's crazy! I feel like I can quote the whole song!!

Anyways I just wanted to ask if I should wrap the story up or do I do one last twist? Let me know in the comments :*

And also thank you so so so much for sticking with this :') we've come a long way!! And its only because of the support ❤️

"You turned your back on tomorrow
Cause you forgot yesterday
I gave you my love to borrow
But you just gave it away
You can't expect me to be fine
I don't expect you to care"

"Why do you want to always protect him?!" He squirmed as she held him in place.."I'm not..I need to speak to you..let him go..look at me!! " she tried to calm him down like she always used to..

"But why? A minute ago you were crying into his arms and now why do you need me?!"he said his innocent eyes were begging for an answer. She knew he needed to hear it and anyway she was just being honest.."Randhirrr stop struggling..I was crying for you!! It was about you!! " she said as her fingers stroked his face..

"It was the letters he found Randhir..I just read a few of them and I broke down and he was just helping me cope..and everything you've written is wrong..I do remember everything're wrong Randhir..." She hiccuped trying to find the right words to express how much she still loved those letters , even if she didn't agree with most of it..

"I know the date we ...." And that was it, he couldn't name the reason but he didn't give her a chance to breathe after that..kissing her mindlessly, it felt like the only right thing in the world. The only thing they would both agree to, was right. They had their difference of opinions always, they argued on almost everything that left their mouth but this was the one thing they both knew was undeniably right.

He held her face directing the kissing his if it were a movie.. handling each angle so as to get more and more of her as the seconds passed by..he only let go when he could feel she needed to breathe "I'm not wrong. You're wrong! You're wrong to have read those letters, you shouldn't have, why did you!!"

Not waiting for her response ,not actually wanting an answer,he went in for another..this time pushing her against the wall for support ,he didn't want to be spending any energy on keeping them standing, this moment just had to be about their kiss.

He hated hearing he was wrong, and it was routine. He had to say something back to hold the argument! She pushed him apart a bit could she stop in an argument? She would want to have the last word "but those letters were to me Randhir ! Who else was supposed read it? I wasn't wrong !!" She said holding him tight..

And he just leaned in more..pressing into her as close as he could.."They were to the girl I used to love,not you!!" He said as he clasped her arms tighter now and she shut her eyes in pain..even thou Randhir's  pressure wasn't the reason ,Aryan had bruised the same portion of her arms a few minutes ago, so this hurt way more than Randhir intended on..

He saw the look on her face and immediately let go "Sanyukta? Look at me? What's wrong ? Did I hurt you..does it hurt?!" And just like that Randhir would switch moods when it came to her. His world revolved around either Them Or Her. He noticed the bruises and stood further away from her..supporting himself with the wall opposite to her..

"I'm always hurting you, I make you cry and then you hurt me, and this never ends.."he was talking to himself looking far away at nothing..And it broke her heart even more! He blamed himself for Anything And Everything that happened to his loved ones.

"Randhir you didn't do this,it's's nothing, it's there from before " she smiled sadly walking towards him but he started walking away "no I should stay away.."

"Randhir ! Stop it!! I said it's not you! You're not the one who did this! Come back!" She walked faster and held onto him and immediately trapped him between the wall and herself. "I'm not the one? So some one did this to you?!?!" And her face went blank. No she couldn't let him know who did this. This moment had to be about them.

"Who Sanyukta?who ? Why did you let..? Oh wait..oh no he didn't. Aryan!" His face now in the direction of where Aryan had left the scene,his fists clenched ,his eyes flaring wild fire. "How dare he!! Don't even try to stop me! I don't care what he means to you, understand?"

He got out of her hold easily but that's when her back hit the wall, holding her head "Randhirrrr..please come back .." And he turned looking at her ,almost about to faint and hit the floor! He rushed back even though he knew it was mostly one of her ''most frequently used" trick. But this was it about them. There was no time of the day which they allotted to love & care. It was the only constant they knew of.

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