Sharing a Bed With the Hound(Sandor Clegane x reader)

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If you had known that there was only one room available in the inn, you wouldn't have insisted on stopping for the night. To make matters worse, that one room had only one bed. Unfortunately, it was too late now. Winter had finally come and it was too cold to travel at night. You knew that you'd never make it to Winterfell if you froze to death.

You looked at Sandor who had his eyes on the bed. He was glaring at it as if it offended him. Shaking off your uncertainty, you walked further into the room and set your pack down. "I'll sleep on the floor," Sandor offered and you shook your head. "No. You won't be warm enough down there." Sandor stared at you and you groaned. "Look, the bed is big enough for both of us. We have to stay warm." Sandor didn't respond verbally. He nodded and made his way over to the bed.

Letting out the breath you didn't know you'd been holding, you went to the other side of the bed. Sandor insisted on taking the side closest to the door. It only took you both a few minutes to ready for bed and to climb in. You welcomed the comforting warmth of the bed and fell asleep quickly to the sound of Sandor's snores.

The next morning, you woke up to something warm hitting the back of your neck. You opened your eyes and attempted to move. Something heavy was weighing you down. Glancing down, you saw a large arm draped across your stomach. It took your brain a second to remember that you were sharing a bed. That meant that the warm air hitting your neck was Sandor's breath.

You had just enough room to turn around in his arms and, when you did, his arms tightened around you. You found yourself warm again, but this time it was from the blush on your face. You'd never been that close to Sandor before and you were certain that you never would be again. Biting your lip, you made a decision. You started to stretch up, but Sandor's eyes opened.

For a moment, neither one of you said anything. Those browns eyes stared back at you for what felt like hours. Then, Sandor slowly removed his arm from around you and he sat up. You did the same and ran your hand through your hair. The awkwardness permeated the entire room until you couldn't take it anymore. You didn't like too much silence.

You turned to face him at the same time he turned to face you. Unfortunately, he was closer than you thought. You jumped and ended up falling off the bed in your surprise. You laid on the floor for a moment. Then, you started laughing at yourself. What else could you do? Sandor's deep, raspy laughter soon joined yours.

"Are ya alright?" he asked when the giggles finally died down. You nodded and got up from the floor. Once again, your clumsiness got the better of you. You tripped over your own feet and fell forward into Sandor's lap and waiting arms. You groaned in embarrassment but Sandor chuckled. "I think ya need lessons in walkin', Y/N." You scoffed and rolled your eyes playfully. "Don't I know it?" You sat up fully so you could see his eyes. There was a softness there that you'd never seen before.

Before you realized what you were doing, your lips were pressed to his in a short, sweet kiss. You pulled away, afraid that you'd overstepped your bounds. You moved to get up, but Sandor's strong arms tightened around you to hold you in place. "Don't," he whispered, "Don't go." You gave him a small smile and kissed him once more. "I won't."  

(a/n: The next fic in this book is NOT a Robb or Sandor one. I get a lot of Sandor and Robb.)

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