All Hope Gone (Sandor Clegane x reader)

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(SPOILERS FOR SEASON 7!Only slight ones, but still.)

You felt your world crashing down around you. Arya had finally returned to Winterfell and of course, you were ecstatic that your lady was alive, but the news she had just given you had brought all the joy you'd felt to a screeching halt. "A-Are you certain?" you asked her with a slight shake in your voice and she nodded. "I'm sorry," she told you. She didn't sound it though. You nodded and turned away from her. You needed to get away.

Your breath was coming in shallow spurts as you ran down the corridors. You just couldn't believe it. Sandor was dead. According to Arya, he had been in a duel with Brienne of Tarth and fell to his death off a cliff. Your chest tightened at the thought of never seeing the man you loved again.

Sure, you hadn't intended on falling in love with Joffrey's guard dog. You hadn't intended on falling in love with anyone, honestly. But Sandor had caught your attention from the moment you met him. At first, it was a fight to get him to open up, but eventually he did and the two of you spent the majority of his time in Winterfell together.

When he had to leave, it broke your heart. You worried about him. King's Landing wasn't exactly the safest place in Westeros, especially when you worked for Joffrey. Joffrey had a temper and, much like a spoiled child, would throw away people he found useless or those he grew angry with. Sandor knew how to take care of himself, but you still worried for him. And you knew he had worried for you. Now, he was dead and felt like you had lost everything. All your hopes were gone.

*short time skip*

You were zoned out, staring out of your window, when there was a knock at your door. "Come in," you muttered although you weren't sure if anyone heard you. Apparently they had because the door opened a second later. Sansa entered your room and smiled at you. "What can I do for you, Lady Sansa?" you asked. Your voice was void of all emotion. "I need you to come with me, Y/N."

You let out a sigh. "Why?" Sansa smiled again. "Please just trust me. You want to see this." Knowing she wasn't going to let it go, you got up and followed her out of the room. All the way outside, you asked questions that Sansa refused to answer. To be honest, it annoyed you to no end. Once outside though, you saw exactly what she was talking about.

You glanced down into the courtyard and your heart nearly stopped. Sandor. He hadn't noticed you yet, but there he was. Alive and well. He was standing with Arya and Brienne, talking with them. He was a little thinner than he used to be and his beard was fuller, but there was absolutely no mistaking that voice or the scars on his face.

Sansa gave your shoulder a squeeze. You looked at her and she laughed softly. "Go." Without waiting, you practically ran down the steps. Arya and Brienne saw you and motioned to Sandor. He turned just in time for you to throw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck as best you could.

He caught you and stumbled backwards a little. "You're alive," you whispered. You knew he could hear you but no one else would. "Aye. Takes a lot more than a few wounds and tumble ta kill me." You laughed lightly. "You idiot. I told you to stay safe." He was holding you tightly, as if he were afraid you would disappear.

"Arya told me you died," you said and he actually chuckled. "I bet she wishes I had. She left me for dead." You pulled back a little and stared at him. He let you go and you shook your head sadly. "I know. She's been extremely...honest since she returned. But I don't want to talk about her. I want to talk about you." With that, you took his hand and lead him away from Arya and Brienne.

Once you were alone, you turned back to Sandor. "I missed you, Sandor. I was so worried when you left. And when Arya told me that you were-" you stopped short. You couldn't say the word. You couldn't bear to think about it anymore. "I know, Y/N."

"I love you, Sandor. I don't want to lose you. Not again," you admitted softly. You hadn't actually said the words before. You wrapped your arms around him again. "'M not goin' anywhere," he muttered. He held you silently for a moment and you loved it. Finally, after what felt like hours, Sandor spoke. "I love ya too, Y/N." You sighed again, this time in content. Hearing those words from Sandor restored your hope once more. 

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