Secretly in Love (Margaery Tyrell x fem!reader)

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Margaery Tyrell was probably the best lady you could work for. She was kind, generous and sweet. She treated her servants well, especially her handmaidens. You loved working for Margaery. Truth be told, you loved Margaery.

You had been assigned as her handmaiden when she traveled to King's Landing with her father, brother, and grandmother. Since then, you had fallen for the kind woman and you had fallen hard. She didn't treat you like a servant. She treated you like a friend. She confided in you and asked you about yourself and your life at King's Landing. Over time, you got to know her and she got to know you. There were only two problems.

The first problem? Margaery most likely didn't love you back. The second? She was betrothed to King Joffrey. Joffrey was very protective of things that were "his". If he knew you even thought about Margaery the way you did, he'd have your head. You kept your feelings well hidden, or so you thought. Unfortunately, your secrecy was affecting your work.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" You blinked in surprise. You'd zoned out while brushing Margaery's hair. You met her gaze through your reflections in the mirror. "I am well, my lady," you muttered running the brush through her long tresses once more. "You are acting strangely, Y/N. What is troubling you?" You shook your head, not wanting to answer. You should have known better. Margaery wasn't one to let her questions go unanswered unless there was no other choice.

"Y/N," she began softly, but the warning tone in her voice was clear. You sighed. "My lady, please don't make me say it," you whispered, lowering your eyes to the floor. You heard the chair move back slightly and felt Margaery stand. "Y/N, whatever it is, it is clearly bothering you. Perhaps you would feel better if you told someone."

You looked up, (e/c) eyes meeting hers. "How? How could I possibly feel better about telling my lady, the woman I serve, that I love her?" you asked, tears in your eyes. Margaery laughed softly and reached over to push your hair behind your ear. "I thought so." She leaned in and pecked your lips, taking you by surprise.

"M-My lady?" Margaery grinned. "Did you think you were the only one feeling this way? Y/N, why do you think I have been trying to get to know you?" You flushed with embarrassment. "But, my lady, the king." You were terrified. Margaery leaned in closer to whisper, "The king doesn't have to know. It will be our little secret." In a moment of bravery, you kissed her and she eagerly kissed back.

Eventually, you needed to breathe, so you pulled away. "Our secret?" you questioned in a small voice. A soft, loving smile stretched over Margaery's lips and she nodded slightly. "Definitely our secret." You couldn't fight the giggle that escaped your lips. It wasn't the ideal situation, but you were perfectly content to let your love for Margaery be a secret. As long as you had her, you didn't mind at all.    

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