Stepping In (Ramsay Bolton x Stark!reader) Modern AU

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You didn't think arranged marriages were still a thing, but apparently they were. Even if they hadn't been, you never could have let Sansa marry Ramsay. They were not compatible in the least. The phrase "opposites attract" was way off base when it came to Sansa and Ramsay. So, you did the only thing you could think to do. You stepped in and took Sansa's place.

"Are you certain Y/N?" your father asked and you nodded. "I am. I just can't see Sansa married to him for the rest of her life. She's too gentle for the likes of Ramsay Bolton. He works too much to give her the attention she deserves." Your father smiled and let out a soft chuckle. "And you think you can handle him?" You shrugged a bit. "Why not? As long as he provides for us and doesn't roam, I have no problem." And so the deal was struck. You would marry Ramsay and the Boltons would back your father in his company's ventures.

*time skip*

"Are you on the computer again?" Ramsay's voice came from the office door and you rolled your eyes. "Yes, Ramsay. Have you forgotten that I work from home? So I can actually be here when you come waltzing through that door?" You spun around in your chair to find his blue eyes riveted on you. They were narrowed and his jaw was clenched. You were challenging him again, something you knew got under his skin. In truth, that's why you did it.

You'd been married for nearly a year and you learned exactly what buttons to push. You had quickly learned that Ramsay was used to having the upper hand in all situations and when he didn't, he would do anything to get it back. Let's just say it lead to many, many nights filled with passion, both arguing and in the bedroom. Some people said you had a dysfunctional relationship, and you probably did. But it kept you both on your toes.

You stood from your chair and got closer to him. His gaze never left yours as you walked over. When you were closer enough, you wrapped your arms around his waist. You were about to greet him properly when the doorbell rang. Your brows furrowed. "Who could that be?" Ramsay shrugged before removing himself from your arms and turning to head toward the door. You followed behind and you weren't happy with who was at the door. Ramsay's fairly attractive secretary, Myranda.

You hated the woman and Ramsay knew it. Ramsay wouldn't dare stray. He never had because of the kind of relationship you had. But that didn't stop Myranda from trying, much to your dismay. Were you jealous? Kind of. While your and Ramsay's marriage had started out nothing more than business, you had slowly grown to love your husband.

Yes, Ramsay had a foul temper and your relationship with him was somewhat odd. It was a constant power struggle that you both loved more than anything. And yes, Ramsay had a reputation as a "mad dog", but you didn't see it often. Plus, you couldn't deny that you sometimes found his dominating personality attractive. No, it hadn't happened all at once, but you loved your husband and the woman in front of you threatened everything you had.

Luckily, Myranda left soon after she arrived, only needing to drop off some important documents Ramsay had forgotten. After closing the door, Ramsay turned to you. He saw the look on your face and smirked. "Is someone jealous?" You narrowed your eyes at him. "Do I need to be?" you fired back.

Ramsay's smirk deepened as he took you in his arms. "Come now, Y/N. Have I ever given you a reason?" You shook your head and he continued, "Exactly. So don't be...jealous." He poked your nose on the last word and you glared again.

"You're lucky I love you, you son of a gun," you muttered, but he heard you anyway. It was a rarity for those words to be used between you. After all, they sort of killed the power struggle. But every once in a while, they would slip from your lips before you could help it. While Ramsay never said it, you could tell it made him happy to hear the words from you. The way he looked at you every time you said it, you just knew. He felt the same even if he hardly said it and that alone was enough to make you grateful for stepping in for Sansa all those months before.    

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