Misunderstanding (Jon Snow x fem!Wildling reader)

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Jon didn't understand how the two of you were always together. You and Tormund seemed to be attached at the hip. Jon had been trying to talk to you for so long, just to get to know you, but you were always with Tormund except when you were sleeping. Jon figured the two of you were a couple, but still. Everyone needs a break from someone else sometimes. Right?

"What are you thinking so hard about, Snow?" Tormund asked Jon one morning before you had come out of your chambers. The Wildlings had taken refuge at the Wall and were no longer sleeping out on the cold ground. Jon glanced at Tormund. "Nothing of importance." Tormund chuckled. "As if I don't already know. Yer thinking about Y/N again." Jon's eyes widened, fearful of the Wildling's reaction.

"I-I, uh..." he stuttered out and Tormund laughed. "I don't know why yer so nervous about it." Jon's brows furrowed. "I'm not nervous." Tormund just gave him a look and Jon sighed. "Even if I was, I would have reason to be. I would never presume to come between the two of you." Tormund's heavy red brow rose in surprise. "Between us? What are you talking about?"

"Are you not together? Lovers or some such?" Tormund started laughing then, making Jon even more confused. Tormund kept trying to talk to Jon, but his laughter kept him from doing so. Just then, you came outside, your white furs pulled tightly around you to protect you from the cold.

"Y/N!" Tormund managed to call over his chuckles. You turned your head toward his voice and grinned. You saw Jon next to him and your smiled widened. You made your way over, your own expression a mask of confusion when you saw Tormund nearly doubled over with laughter. "What's so funny?" you asked, casting a glance at Jon who shrugged. "Snow here? He thinks...he thinks we're-" Tormund still couldn't talk through his giggles.

"He thinks we're what, Tormund?" Tormund finally got his laughter under control. "Let's just say Snow thinks we're increasing the Free Folk population together!" With another laugh, Tormund walked away, leaving you and Jon both blushing.

"We're not," you said and Jon blinked in shock. "You're not? You and Tormund aren't-?" Now it was your turn to laugh boisterously. "Not at all. Tormund and I have been friends for a very long time. Nothing more, nothing less." Jon breathed for what felt like the first time since you and the rest of the Wildlings had taken refuge at the Wall.

"Why does it matter anyway, Crow? Have yer mind on something a little less than pure? Something that goes against yer vows?" you teased and Jon blushed again. The sight was definitely endearing to you. "I d-don't know what you're talking about." You leaned forward and kissed the tip of his nose. "Tell you what, Crow. If you can catch me, I'm all yers," you whispered.

Before Jon could realize what was happening, you took off running. He didn't snap out of it until he felt a snowball hit the side of his head. He whipped his gaze over to you and growled. You giggled and ran off again, Jon hot on your trail. Anyone watching you would have thought the two of you had been together for years, the way you were acting. Tormund stood with Sam watching the scene unfold with a grin on his face.     

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