Mysterious(Jaime Lannister x fem!reader) Cinderella AU

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(Since this in an AU, Jaime is a prince, not a knight.)

Jaime sighed under his breath as yet another noblewoman approached. He bowed just like he was supposed to, but his mind was elsewhere. He was wondering why he agreed to this. When Jaime agreed to let his family throw a ball in his honor, his father decreed that Jaime would use the ball to find a bride.

Now, Jaime was greeting probably the fiftieth woman that night. So far, none of them had caught his interest. "Come now, Jaime. You could at least pretend to be enjoying yourself," Tywin admonished, making Jaime scoff. "I am not enjoying myself, Father. These women are here only for my title." Tywin chuckled. "Of course they are, my son. You simply have to choose one."

Jaime tuned out as he caught a glimpse of a new woman. One he didn't recognize at all. You were standing off to the side, looking out of place. Ignoring his father's protests, Jaime left his place and headed toward you.

Your eyes widened when you saw Prince Jaime approaching. You had never seen him before, but the way he carried himself and the golden lion stitched into his clothing could not be mistaken. He had a strong jaw, soft-looking blond hair, and piercing green eyes. He was gorgeous. Every bit as handsome as people said. And he was heading right toward you.

"Your Highness," you greeted with a curtsy. You mentally cheered at the fact that you hadn't stuttered. "My lady," he began, bowing, "May I have this dance?" At that point, your voice chose to fail you, so you nodded and took his outstretched hand. You could feel you knees knocking together as you danced with the golden prince. Before long though, you began enjoying yourself.

Jaime was in awe of you. Yes, you were beautiful, but that wasn't why. While you danced, you actually spoke to him like he was a real person and not just the prince. You asked him about himself rather than about his plans for the kingdom or what kind of woman he saw as his bride. In fact, you didn't seem interested in being a bride at all. That's because you weren't.

You hadn't come to the ball to dance with the prince. That was a bonus. You had come simply to get out of the house. You were so lonely all the time, especially because you were the odd one out in your family. You'd had to beg to be able to go to the ball and even then, they didn't want to let you. So, you snuck out, hoping that they wouldn't see you. Luckily for you, they were too drunk to remember if they had seen you.

When the song ended, you smiled at Jaime until you noticed one of your sisters making her way over. "Forgive me, Your Highness, but I'm afraid I must go." You curtsied and turned to leave. To your surprise, Jaime caught your elbow. "Wait. Will you return tomorrow?" You laughed lightly as you remembered the ball was to last several nights. "I will try." Jaime let go of your elbow and you weaved through the crowd, leaving a very confused Jaime behind. He didn't even know your name.

The next night, Jaime was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet as his eyes scanned the room for you. You didn't appear until the ball had been in swing for a couple of hours. As soon as you entered the room, Jaime made a beeline for you. You were already grinning by the time he reached you. You greeted him properly. "Did you wish for another dance, my prince?" Jaime laughed heartily and swept you into the dance. You spent the entire ball in each other's arms and, when you left again, Jaime realized he still didn't know your name.

The last night of the ball, even Tywin had to admire Jaime's enthusiasm. "Am I right in thinking you have found your bride?" he asked and Jaime smirked. "Perhaps, Father. I need more time to know for certain, but I believe I've found a lady worthy of the Lannister name. I only hope I am worthy in her eyes." Tywin snorted. "Jaime, you a prince. You needn't be worried about the opinions of others."

"Her opinion of me matters greatly, Father. I don't know why, but it does." Tywin glanced up from his cup to look at his son. "Well then, tonight I should like to meet the mysterious young woman that has you so consumed." Jaime nodded and he turned his attention back to his search for you. Once again, you arrived a few hours after everyone else.

This time, when Jaime approached you, you didn't smile. "What is it, my lady? Something is troubling you." You gave him a sad half-smile. "I am afraid this will be the last night I will ever see you, your highness." Jaime shook his head. "Nonsense! I will make certain we see each other again." He could see the tears forming behind your (e/c) eyes. "Your Highness, I am not who you think I am. Outside of these walls, I am not worthy of your time."

Jaime couldn't believe what you were saying. "My lady, in the past two days, you have given me every reason to give you my time." You shook your head. "I am sorry, Prince Jaime." Jaime sighed and took your hand in his. "If this is to be our last night, then let it be a joyous one. Dance with me." You eagerly agreed, but this time, Jaime didn't lead you to the dance floor. He lead you outside into the palace gardens.

Away from the din of the ball, you were able to relax in Jaime's arms. For a while, neither one of you said anything, content to be in silent company. Then Jaime heard you sniffling and stopped. "My lady?" He lifted your chin up so he could look in your eyes. "What is it?" You took a step away from him. "I cannot do this. Your Highness, I am not a lady. Not anymore." Jaime's brows furrowed.

"My real parents are dead. My sisters and I are wards of our uncle. They are treated well while I am treated like a servant and that is what I am. As I said, I am unworthy of you. I didn't come to meet with you. I came only for a few nights away from my dreary existence." Jaime gaped openly at you as the tears continued to fall. "I am so sorry," you murmured before turning to run away.

Once again, Jaime grabbed your arm to stop you. "Please don't go." You glanced back at him. "You are the only woman who has ever treated me like a normal human being, even knowing who I am. You don't believe yourself worthy, but I do." You shook your head vehemently. "How can you?" Jaime's eyes narrowed. "Because you are..." he trailed off, hoping you would supply him with your name finally. "Y/N. My name is Y/N."

Jaime took your hand in his and pulled you back into the room. "Your Highness, please," you whispered. Jaime stopped. "Y/N...the past few days I have felt nothing for any of the noblewomen here. Then I met you. It was as if I was never a prince at all and I loved the feeling. I knew you didn't want to spend time with me because I'm a prince and that's what I've been looking for. Not to mention how beautiful you are. I know it is sudden but please, let me tell them all that the search is over?"

As soon as you nodded, Jaime was pulling you again. This time, toward the throne. He stopped moving and wrapped his arm around your waist. The musicians saw the prince and stopped playing. Everyone's eyes moved to the two of you and your face heated up. You weren't used to so much attention. One voice cut through the silence. "Uncle, what is Y/N doing with the prince?" You fought the urge to roll your eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that I have found my bride. A young woman I am certain will be a kind and fair princess to you. Someone who will be a queen worthy of the title one day. I present to you, your future queen, Y/N." The lords and ladies began applauding loudly, although some of the younger ones were pouting. Jaime grinned down at you before pressing a kiss to your lips. You pulled away, embarrassed. "Not in front of the entire kingdom, my prince," you scolded playfully, loud enough for everyone to hear. Jaime laughed along with them.     

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