Can I Be Him?(Robb Stark x reader) Modern AU

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(Modern AU and a Songfic! based on James Arthur's "Can I Be Him?"

Robb hadn't wanted to go out that night. It had been a crazy year. A year that broken him and the eldest Stark just wanted to stay at home. Unfortunately for Robb, his best friend Theon was rather persistent. Theon knew one of the performers and Robb just had to come see. So, Robb reluctantly agreed to join Theon. If only he had known, he would have agreed sooner.

He was sitting at one of the tables when the doors opened and you walked in. Robb felt his heart skip a beat and his throat tightened. You were stunning. Robb turned to Theon who wore a smirk. "That's Y/N, the one I was telling you about." A few minutes later, you were center stage, guitar in hand and smiling out at the audience. And, when you opened your mouth to sing, Robb knew he was lost.

Robb was enchanted as you sang. You poured every emotion you felt into the song and he could feel that. Every word tugged at his heart, as if the song was written for him. His eyes stayed glued to you as you went on. It felt like he was the only one in the room and you were singing just for him. The song was about him, about how you felt for one another.

When the song finished and the lights came back on, it took Robb another minute to remember there were others in the room. "You alright there, Robb?" Robb shook himself out of his trance and glanced at Theon. "I'm fine. Can you introduce me?" Theon smirked again. "I could, but only if you admit I was right." Robb rolled his eyes but told Theon what he wanted to hear. He had to meet you. He had to tell you how he felt about your song. "Don't get your hopes up though. Y/N has a boyfriend." Robb attempted to shrug nonchalantly before Theon went to get you.

After that night, Robb made a habit of frequenting the club whenever you were singing. He couldn't help it. You were like his drug. Every song was about him, written for him. That wasn't all though. After you preformed, you'd make a habit of striking up a conversation with Robb and it was the highlight of Robb's day. He would have told you how he felt if not for your boyfriend.

Of all the men in the world, you had to choose Jaime Lannister to date. Robb knew Jaime didn't deserve you and made a point of telling you so once after Jaime had missed yet another performance. This time, you had told Robb that the song you sang that night was for Jaime, but Jaime hadn't shown up after he promised you his would.

"I would never hurt you like that, Y/N," Robb whispered, but you managed to hear him anyway. "You're a good guy, Robb. Anyone would be lucky to have you." You gave his arm a squeeze and left the club. Robb groaned. If only you knew that he only wanted you. He wanted to comfort you with sweet kisses. He wanted to be the one to inspire your songs for real, not just in his imagination.

*time skip*

Robb was sitting in his living room reading when there was a frantic knock at the door. Curious, Robb got up and answered the door. You were standing there in the rain, shivering against the cold. "Y/N?!" Without saying a word, you lunged yourself at Robb, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him fiercely. Robb kissed back for a fraction of a second before gently pushing away.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice soft. He was afraid of the answer. He had stopped going to the club a few weeks before, after the song you'd performed for Jaime. He couldn't handle feeling broken again. "I was so stupid," you whispered, nuzzling his nose with yours. Robb's brows scrunched together. "Come with me, please?" you asked him, staring into his eyes.

Robb followed you through the pouring rain to the apartments across the street. All that time, you had been right across the road and Robb hadn't even known. You dragged him to your apartment and made him sit, not caring that your couch was getting wet. You set a towel on your lap before grabbing your guitar and playing.

"Please, Y/N. I don't need to hear another song about him." You frowned. "Just shut up and listen." You started again and Robb stayed silent. You were halfway through the chorus when Robb realized that you weren't singing about Jaime. You were singing about Robb. It was him!

Robb got up from his seat and walked over to you. He gently placed a hand on the guitar, making you stop. He took the instrument from you and set it down carefully before taking your hand and pulling you to stand. "Are you still with Jaime?" You shook your head. Robb grinned and his lips descended on yours. It wasn't exactly like his fantasy. It was better than he ever could have imagined because you chose him.You chose to let him be the one.    

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