A Jealous Bear (Jorah Mormont x fem!Targaryen reader)

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If there was one thing Jorah prided himself on, it was his ability to keep a level head in almost any circumstance. Except when it came to you. There was something about you that made all the gears in Jorah's head start spinning the opposite direction and, after a while, Jorah figured out that it was because he loved you.

It surprised him. He had no right to love you. You were a princess and he was a disgraced knight. You deserved better. Still, it didn't stop him from being jealous when other men would stand a little to close or linger a little too long. He didn't blame them. You were beautiful, just as your sister was, but it still made his blood race. That was something he'd accidentally reveal when Daenerys decided to throw a party.

As always, men were flocked around you and your sister, but it seemed worse this time. Perhaps it was Jorah's imagination getting the better of him or perhaps not. It didn't matter to Jorah. What mattered was that one man kept drawing closer and closer to you, looking at you like you were his next meal. Jorah didn't like it. Not one bit.

Jealousy coursed through the knight's veins as he stalked toward the two of you. What he heard made him angrier than he had been in a long time. "Perhaps you would like to know what it's like to grace the bed of a lord. I would be happy to show you." The daring man placed a hand on your arm, only to have you pulled gently away by Jorah.

"That is no way to speak to a lady, let alone a princess. You will maintain your distance, my lord. Unless you want to lose your hand." The young lord frowned. "And who are you to make threats, old man?" Jorah's glare hardened. "I am Princess Y/N's protector." You gave him a soft smile and patted his arm. "It is alright, Ser Jorah. I was just leaving." You turned and walked away, pulling Jorah with you. You lead him outside, one of your favorite places.

Once you were alone, you looked at Jorah. "Thank you, Ser. I must admit that I'm a little bit...shy when it comes to standing up for myself." Jorah chuckled softly, but there was no real humor in it. "You have a good and gentle heart, Princess. There is nothing wrong with that, but that is why I am here. To stand up for you when you need me to." You thanked him again before glancing up at the stars.

In the moonlight, you looked even more beautiful to Jorah. "I'm very glad you are here with us, Ser Jorah. Having you here makes the world feel a little less lonely. And knowing that you care enough to protect me from the smallest of threats warms my heart." A slight breeze blew a strand of hair in your face that Jorah automatically reached out to move. He thought better of it though and pulled his hand back.

"I must admit that I have selfish reasons for what I did tonight, Princess," he muttered. You heard him anyway and turned your gaze away from the stars to meet his blue eyes. "Oh?" Jorah sighed and finally moved the hair from your face to tuck it behind your ear. "Yes. I didn't want that man near you. I don't want any man near you, Princess. Not in the way they want to be. I was," he paused as if it hurt him to say the word, "I was jealous."

He waited for the reprimand. For you to yell at him for interfering in your life, but you didn't. Instead, you smiled softly at him. "Oh, Jorah. I know." His brows came together and you giggled. "You don't hide your emotions very well. At least not from me. I've known of your feelings for me for some time."

"Yet you said nothing?" Jorah replied in surprise and you shook your head. "I would not do you the dishonor of bringing your feelings out in the open. They are yours to disclose, not mine." Jorah said nothing. You stepped closer and took his hands in yours. Jorah looked down at your joined hands and then back up at your face. You still wore the same soft smile.

"If I am being honest, I didn't want any of those men close to me either. There's only one I want to be so near to me. Only one I wish to share my heart with." Jorah didn't seem to catch the hint, so you leaned in and kissed his cheek. When you pulled back, Jorah was staring. You could see him trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. Then his eyes lit up as it all clicked into place.

He brought your hands up to his lips and kissed the backs of them. "I love you." HIs whispered admission settled in the air around you and filled you with warmth. "And I love you, Ser Jorah," you replied after a moment. Your (e/c) eyes met his blue ones again and you both smiled. Jorah slowly brought his face closer to yours until your lips met.    

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