At Dreadfort (Ramsay Bolton x fem!reader)

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You stuck close to your brother's side as the carriage pulled to a stop outside the gates at Dreadfort. You'd heard tales of House Bolton. They were not known for their mercy or hospitality, especially Ramsay Bolton. "Why are we here again?" you asked your brother when the carriage started moving again to lead you safely into the castle grounds. "I told you, sister. Mother wishes to find you a suitable husband. Since I am the head of our house now, it falls to me. Lord Bolton is a good man."

"You wish to betroth me to Lord Bolton?!" you practically shrieked. Roose Bolton was twice your age and his son Ramsay was about your age. It just seemed...wrong to you. Your brother shook his head with a laugh. "Of course not. I-" he was cut off when the carriage stopped again, this time to let you both out.

The door opened and your brother climbed out. He offered his hand to help you down. Once your feet were planted on the ground, you looked up to see your hosts. They were both regarding you with curiosity. You curtsied like you were supposed to and looked back up to see Ramsay staring at you intently. Roose Bolton was welcoming your brother. Ramsay took a step toward you and you had to prevent yourself from flinching away. You didn't want to offend him. "Welcome to Dreadfort, my lady," he greeted, taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles.

You ended up staying at Dreadfort much longer than you'd anticipated. As it turned out, your brother was not planning on betrothing you to Roose. The plan was for Roose to assist in finding someone to betroth you to. You weren't sure what was taking so long. It wasn't as if you were unattractive and you were the daughter of a lord. It shouldn't have been that hard. It would be nearly two moons before you learned why.

You were walking through the courtyard when it happened. One of the guards had been following you around all day. He flirted shamelessly and it made you uncomfortable. It wasn't something you were used to since your guards knew better. They had more honor. Luckily for you, you wouldn't have to put up with it for much longer.

The guard had followed you back inside and up to your chamber door. "Ser, I will ask you once more to leave me be or I shall inform Lord Bolton of your lack of honor." The guard simply gave a wolfish grin and trapped you between him and the door. "There's no need for that, my lady." You flinched away but you couldn't escape. "In that, you are correct," a new voice cut through the darkness of the corridor.

You turned your head to see Ramsay and you almost breathed a sigh of relief. You probably would have if not for the look in his bright blue eyes. He looked ready to kill. In less than a second, Ramsay had ripped the guard away from you. The world seemed to slow down as the young lord pinned the guard to the opposite wall and growled something at him. You couldn't hear what was said, but judging from the guard's face, it appeared to be a threat. Then, Ramsay returned to your side as the guard ran away looking like he was going to be sick.

When the guard was out of sight, Ramsay turned to you. You could still the rage in his eyes and you carefully reached out and placed a hand on his arm. "Thank you," you whispered. His eyes traveled to your hand and then back to your face. His hand went up to cup your face. He leaned close to whisper, "I don't want anyone touching you, my lady. I've told my father and your brother as much."

"So you are the reason they've struggled to find a suitor for me." Ramsay nodded. "I want you to be my bride. No one else. Stay?" The tone of his voice didn't leave room for argument. The question was, did you want to? In the time you'd spent at Dreadfort, you and Ramsay had gotten on fairly well. He wasn't nearly as brutal as people said he was, unless you angered him. At least not with you. You knew there was more to him and you loved a mystery. "Lady Y/N?"

You shook yourself out of your daze and looked into his eyes. As if your mouth had a mind of its own, you said, "Yes. I will stay." Ramsay actually smiled. Really smiled. "Good." Without warning, his lips smashed into yours. It was rough and demanding, exactly what you expected from Ramsay. When he pulled away, your lungs were screaming for air. "We shall inform Father and your brother immediately." He took your arm in his and lead you to Roose's study where you would break the news.    

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