Is it Really You? (Brienne of Tarth x fem!reader)

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From your locked room, you could hear the battle raging outside. You only hoped that whoever was foolish enough to challenge Ramsay was also skilled enough to defeat him. If Ramsay won and kept Winterfell, your treatment would be a lot worse. For some reason, the torture was worse when Ramsay was in a good mood. So you prayed to every god there was that Ramsay did not win this battle.

As you waited to discover the outcome of the battle, your mind drifted to a different time and place. A happier one. One where you had been with the one person you loved more than anything, though you hadn't said anything about it. Though it had been months since you last saw her, you could still picture her bright blue eyes peering at you with what you hoped was love and a little bit of curiosity, wondering why you cared for her at all.

Brienne often occupied your mind when Ramsay was torturing you. You admired her strength and determination and hoped some of it would rub off on you. It was your memories of Brienne that kept you from losing you mind like Ramsay wanted you to. You only hoped that, one day, you'd get to see her again.

Meanwhile, the battle was coming to an end, victory within reach for Jon Snow's army. Not that you knew that since you were shut up in that locked room. But finally, you heard people moving about the castle again. You retreated to a corner of your room, grabbing the fire poker. It was one of the only things you had as a weapon there.

It didn't take long for someone to come to your door. They tried to get it in, eventually breaking it open. You shrank back for a second until you recognized the blonde standing in the doorway. Your eyes immediately began to water. You couldn't believe she was there. Were you dreaming? Or had you finally lost your mind?

"Brienne?" you whispered. She just stared at you in surprise. You slowly forced yourself to your feet and out of your corner. "I-Is it really you?" She still didn't say anything. She looked as if she was looking at a ghost. "Brienne!" She nearly jumped out of her skin, but she finally snapped out of her daze. "Y/N?" You smiled as the tears started to fall.

Crying out her name again, you practically launched yourself at her. At first, she didn't move. She couldn't. You had been apart for so long it was like she didn't know you anymore. What if you were different? What if your feelings toward her had changed? What if-? Her mental questioning was cut off by the feeling of your lips against hers.

You pulled back and looked into Brienne's eyes as best you could. "Y/N, I found you." You smiled. "You did and I am so glad! I never thought I'd see you again." You finally felt her arms wrap around you. It was a slow and unsure movement. Brienne had never been one for physical affection, but she never had a problem accepting it from you.

"I must return to Lady Sansa," she told you reluctantly after a few moments. "Sansa Stark? She has returned?" You could feel some jealousy coursing through you, but you tried to keep it down. Brienne could see it though and immediately tried to reassure you. "I have pledged to Lady Sansa's service." You nodded.

"I understand. I would like to accompany you. Perhaps Lady Sansa will find a place for me here. I don't think I can be away from you again. Not after so long." You reached over and took Brienne's free hand in yours. "I am sorry I didn't say this before this all happened, but I love you, Brienne. I haven't stopped thinking about you the entire time I've been a prisoner here." You gave her hand a squeeze.

"You do?" she managed to ask and you laughed. "Of course I do. And I hope one day that you'll see yourself the way I do." You leaned up and kissed her softly. "I love you, Y/N," she whispered when you pulled back. You smiled. "I know, my love. I've always known even when neither of us were brave enough to say it. And I hope we never have to go through such a separation again. I don't think my heart could take it." Brienne glanced down at your joined hands. She looked up again and shyly pressed her lips against yours. "Neither could mine."    

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