Handmaiden or Warrior?(Tormund Giantsbane x fem!reader)

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You groaned as you tripped over your dress yet again. This was definitely not helping you. Stopping in the shadows of the trees, you ripped off the bottom part of your dress. Once that was done, you continued your journey toward the ragtag army Jon Snow had gathered. Your lady was fighting and that meant you needed to as well.

Although it was odd for a handmaiden to fight, you were the handmaiden of Lady Lyanna Mormont. She insisted that you knew how to defend yourself and others. You weren't allowed to be like the ladies that had to depend on a man to save them. You stepped up next to Lady Mormont, your hand on the hilt of your sword. It didn't take long for you to be able to use it. The battle started more quickly than anyone anticipated. You ran ahead with the rest of the small army and you soon found yourself fighting for your life beside a Wildling.

Tormund Giantsbane. Even if you hadn't seen his face, you'd know it was him. His fiery red hair gave him away. The two of you cut down soldier after soldier, both covered in mud, blood and grime. You were all trapped in a circle made by the Bolton soldiers. You felt so cramped and your hope of survival was dwindling. Still, you knew you had to fight and you were grateful to have Tormund next to you. His fighting skills were unparalleled.

A sound behind you made you jump. You looked over your shoulder to see a blade right at your face. It took a moment to register that the blade had run through an enemy soldier. The blade retracted and the soldier fell, revealing Tormund. The Wildling wore a cheeky grin despite the bleak circumstances. "Ya should watch yerself, girl." You glared and sung your sword at another soldier. "Same could be said of you." You gave him your own smirk and went back to fighting.

The battle finally ended when knights from the Vale appeared, allowing Jon Snow to break through the gates of Winterfell. You nearly sank down to the ground under the falling snow when it was over. You were completely exhausted. Your arms and legs felt like lead.

"Ya fight almost as well as the Free Folk," Tormund's voice made you look over your shoulder. You flashed him a tired smile. "Thank you. You're not too bad yourself." He chuckled. "Looks like we won." He nodded but his smile dropped. "This part at least. There's a much bigger war comin'." You cocked your to the side. "The White Walkers?" He confirmed your suspicions with a solemn look.

"Do you think we have a chance?" you asked him and he shrugged. "No idea." You opened your mouth to reply when another voice shouted over the din. "Y/N!" You whipped your head around. "I forgot. I need to attend my lady. I look forward to speaking with you again." Tormund arched a heavy brow. "Attend yer lady? I thought ya were a warrior. A soldier." You snorted out a laugh. "I'm Lady Mormont's handmaiden." You turned on your heel and practically ran to where Lady Lyanna was waiting. Tormund gazed after you in amazement.

He'd never met a woman like you that wasn't one of the Free Folk or a soldier. You were tough as nails. Not afraid to get your hands dirty if necessary and yet you still maintained a sense of grace and honor. It was an interesting combination, one that Tormund never expected from you. One thing was for certain, he looked forward to getting know you.     

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