Throwing it All Away (Tywin x fem!reader x Gendry) Royal/Movie AU

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(slightly based on the movie "The Duchess")

You never asked to be married to Tywin. You never wanted to be married to Tywin. You didn't like him at all. Not to mention, you were his second wife and he was determined that you would bear him sons, no matter how much older than you he was. And no matter the fact that he already had two sons. Not that he heard from them. The only one of his children that he did hear from was his daughter Cersei who couldn't stand you. Again, that didn't bother you much. What did bother you was the fact that you couldn't seem to bear sons.

You had already had two children with Tywin, both girls. Needless to say, Tywin wasn't happy with you at all. Like most men in the time, he blamed you for his lack of sons. It made your marriage to him even worse than it was before. Every moment you spent with your husband was rife with tension and it was only a matter of time before one or both of you exploded. You were miserable, but that changed when you met Gendry.

Gendry was hired to work in your husband's house and you were instantly smitten. You tried to be the dutiful wife. You knew it wouldn't do for you to give into whatever it was you were feeling for Gendry, especially it was more than likely only lust and nothing more. You wouldn't lie and say that there was nothing between you. Every time you were in the same room together, the air was full of unspoken lust. A lust that was almost stifling. A lust that you ignored for nearly a year.

In that year, you grew even closer to Gendry. The lust you felt turned into a deeper feeling. You grew to care for him and, eventually, it blossomed into something you could only describe at love. And yet, still you resisted. You needed to be the perfect wife. Who knew what would happen if Tywin discovered how you were feeling, even if nothing happened between you and Gendry. It wasn't until you caught Tywin quite literally with his pants down that you decided you didn't care.

"How could you do this?" you asked. Your voice was soft and morose. You were too drained and broken to even be angry with him. Tywin fixed his shirt and met your gaze. He didn't answer you. "She was my only friend, Tywin. The one person I could count on in this world and you took her from me." You didn't let him reply before you stalked out of the room, running into his current lover. You barely spared Shae a passing glance. Your heart was too broken with betrayal. You couldn't face either of them, so you went to the one person you could handle being around. Gendry.

"Your Grace," Gendry greeted with a bow. You looked to the other servants in the room and dismissed them. As soon as they were gone, your gaze went back to Gendry. His brows furrowed. Even without a word, he could tell something was wrong with you. "What is it, Your Grace?" You frowned. That title was beginning to bug you more than anything. What was the point if your own husband didn't treat you with the respect due to a queen?

"I have no one. I am alone in the world with no one to love or comfort me." Your voice was barely above a whisper, but Gendry heard you anyway. "That isn't true, Y/N." You looked at him in surprise. Despite how close you were, he'd never called you by your name before. "If it isn't true then why have my husband and closest friend betrayed me so harshly? I have done everything I could possibly do to be a good wife and friend and this is how I am repaid."

"He doesn't deserve you, Y/N," Gendry said so softly you had to strain to hear him, "No one deserves you, but you have me to comfort you if you need." He looked down at the floor. Your tongue darted out to lick your lips. Then, you reached over to cup his chin. You gently lifted his face to meet his gaze. When he did, you shyly leaned in and pressed your lips to his.

Gendry pulled back in shock. For several tense moments, neither of you said a word. Your hand was still on his chin and your eyes were riveted to his. He looked like he wasn't sure what to do. You were his queen, his superior in every way. Why had you kissed him? Where you just vulnerable and willing to make a mistake with him? You could see these questions and more floating behind his cerulean eyes.

"I'm not making a mistake, Gendry. I promise. I've fought against my feelings for far too long now." That was all the encouragement that Gendry needed. He took your hand off his chin and placed it on his chest so he could grab your face and kiss you desperately. You weren't sure how it happened, but that one kiss ended up being a flurry of kisses that eventually lead you both up to your chambers. You were in pure and utter bliss. But it wouldn't last very long.

*time skip*

You were walking through the halls of the castle with a smile on your face when Tywin appeared. You hadn't seen much of him since you found Shae in his bed and you were grateful for it. Whenever you even thought about him, you wanted to smack him. Still, he was your husband and the king. You gave him a sly smile and moved to continue in your journey down to see Gendry once again.

"I wish to speak with you, Y/N." You arched a brow at Tywin. "Can it wait? I have a pressing engagement." You pushed passed him. You really didn't want to deal with him right now. "With your lowly lover?" You froze in place. How had he known? You glanced at him once again. "I trust you can spare a few moments in my study to speak to me." It wasn't a request and you found yourself following after him.

Once inside, Tywin closed the door and sat down. You did the same, waiting impatiently for him to speak. "You will end your affair," your husband stated plainly. You gaped at him in disbelief. "You must be joking." The look he gave you said he was anything but. You let out a scoff. "I won't end anything. In all these years, I have never once said anything about your affairs, no matter how many there were. Until Shae and even that I have come to terms with. If you are allowed to carry on with whatever woman you fancy, should I not be allowed a bit of happiness with someone who loves me?"

"Love is for children, my wife. And how are you to give me a son if you are sleeping with another man? No. Your affair will end or I will end it for you." You shook your head. "No. I will not." Tywin glared at you with such venom in his gaze, you nearly shirked away. As king, he wasn't used to being told no. "You will end the affair, Y/N. It isn't a request. If you don't, I will be forced to hurt him. Socially, politically and, if necessary, physically. I must ask you not to test me on this." He waved you off.

Leaving the study, you were in a daze. Tywin had threatened Gendry. The only person you loved and now you were being forced to choose between your heart and Gendry's safety. Did you ignore Tywin and continue on with your affair? Or did you break it off and save Gendry from pain and ruin? No matter which choice you made, someone was going to be hurt in the end. But the choice was easy to make. No matter how much you loved him, you had to break it off with Gendry. You knew Tywin would make good on his threat.

Gendry was waiting for you in your usual spot, a smile on his face. You tried to return it, but your eyes were filling with tears. "Y/N?" You looked into those blue eyes of his. "Gendry...we-we have to end this. For good." He stared at you with an open mouth. "W-What? You can't mean that." You sniffled. "I do, Gendry. This," you said gesturing between you, "Is over." You turned to walk away before the tears could start to fall.

Gendry caught your wrist. "Why are you doing this? Y/N, please don't walk away from this. Not if you love me." You took a shaky breath then faced him again. You hoped you could pull this off. "That's just it, Gendry. I don't love you. I thought I did, but it was only an infatuation. A way to pass the time while the king carried his affairs. You were there when I was vulnerable, but anyone would have done."

He released your wrist and stared at you in disbelief. When he didn't say anything, you took the opportunity to walk away. That was when the tears began to fall. You had never felt so helpless in your life before. You were a queen and yet, you had just thrown every chance at happiness away. You had thrown it all away to protect the man you loved. Maybe it was worth it, maybe not. You might never get a chance to find out and that was what hurt more than anything. 

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