Bodyguard (Drogo x fem!reader) Modern AU

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(three modern aus in a row XD)

When your agent Jorah hired a bodyguard from the Dothraki training academy, you were worried. The Dothraki were said to be frightening and ruthless men. At first glance, Drogo was no exception. He was a large man with very long hair (apparently it was an honor thing) and tattoos everywhere. He rarely spoke, but his dark eyes regarded everything with suspicion. You pitied anyone who tried to come at you with Drogo around.

However, since Drogo was with you all the time, you actually got to know him. It took a while, but eventually the man opened up to you. You learned that he enrolled in the training academy at an early age, like most and that he had been one of their most prized students. That was why his hair was so long. He had never lost a scuffle and never failed to protect his clients. You discovered that he liked to surf and go horseback riding when he had leisure time. You also found out that, while he was fiercely protective, he also had a softer side.

You had conversations with Drogo that you would never have with anyone else. Conversations you knew would stay private. Drogo would listen intently, but he was always on guard. No matter where you were, Drogo took his job seriously. It was an enchanting quality. And since you spent so much time with him, it came as no surprise to you when you realized you were starting to have feelings for your bodyguard. Feelings you were determined to quash as soon as possible. That meant dating. But you would wish you hadn't.

You were sitting in your dressing room after a performance when there was a knock on the door. You weren't worried since Drogo was out there, so you called out for the person to come in. Drogo opened the door and handed you your favorite smoothie. "Here you go. Mormont is waiting for you." You nodded. "He's with some guy...a Ramsay something or other. Says you have a date." You let your lips upturn into a smile. "I do. Enjoy your night off." Drogo arched a brow. "Night off?" You gave a little laugh. "Yes, Drogo. A night off. I'll be fine. Go relax." With that, you left the dressing room, leaving Drogo staring after you with a frown on his face.

*time skip*

Drogo punched the wall next to him. Three weeks. You had been in the hospital for three weeks and it was all his fault. He knew it was a mistake to let you go out on dates with that Ramsay guy and now you were lying in the hospital beaten to a bloody pulp. He should have been there. He could have stopped it. And because he hadn't, he was angry with himself. He was a failure and that didn't sit well with him at all. And one look around his apartment made that very clear.

There were things thrown everywhere. Broken glasses, holes in the walls that he would have to fix later, books all over the floor. His knuckles were bruised and bloodied, not only from the abuse of his apartment but also from the beating he'd given your former boyfriend. As soon as Drogo had found out what happened, he found Ramsay and beat him within an inch of his life. He didn't know what do now. His rage was still consuming him and Jorah would not let him in to see you.

Drogo didn't know when it happened. He had no idea when he let himself come to care for you as more than just a client. But it became apparent to him that first night you left him to go on a date with Ramsay. He wouldn't admit it, but he was insanely jealous. He had no reason to be, but he couldn't help it. Drogo knew you only saw him as your bodyguard, so he didn't say anything despite his misgivings. You would only accuse him of being over protective or, if you found out about his feelings, you would rightly accuse him of being jealous and trying to sabotage your relationship. So Drogo had stayed silent. Now he wished he hadn't.

Meanwhile, you were finally waking up in the hospital. You groaned when you opened your eyes against the bright lights. "Oh thank the gods," Jorah muttered and grabbed your hand. "How are you feeling?" You let out another groan. "Like I got hit by a bus." You let your eyes scan the room. Jorah was sitting next to you. The room was full of flowers, balloons, get well cards, and stuffed animals. But there was something that wasn't there. Or rather someone.

"Where's Drogo?" Jorah frowned and dropped your hand. "I fired him." You felt your jaw pop as it dropped open. "You what?!" you cried, trying to sit up. Every muscle in your body screamed at you when you moved. "Lie down, Y/N. I fired him. He clearly wasn't up to the task of guarding you if he let this happen." You gave Jorah the most venomous glare you could muster. "He didn't let this happen, Jorah! I gave him the night off like I've done every time I've had a date. You call him right now, Jorah Mormont. I want him here in the next hour or you're going to be the one looking for new job!"

You let out a cough, prompting Jorah to get you a cup of water. He was silent for several minutes. You weren't usually so forceful with him and you had never threatened to fire him before, no matter how much you hated his decisions. He knew something about Drogo had to be special. When you were done drinking, Jorah sighed and told you he'd call Drogo.

Drogo hopped on his motorcycle the minute he hung up with Jorah and sped to the hospital. At least now he knew you were alive. And you were asking for him. He probably broke several speeding laws as he made his way to where you were. Jorah was standing outside your room, phone in hand. "I'll call you back in a moment," he said when he saw Drogo. He hung up and looked at the giant of a man in front of him.

"Glad to see you made it. She's threatening my job in there. I don't know how this happened, but it's obvious she cares about you. If you hurt her, in anyway, you will have me to deal with. And I can guarantee you that you will never guard another living soul." Drogo wasn't an easy man to intimidate at all, but Jorah was talking about you like a protective father. Drogo nodded and Jorah jerked his head toward the door, indicating that he should go in.

Drogo entered the room and grew angry again upon seeing you. You were covered in bruises and cuts, probably from Ramsay's rings. You turned your head toward him. You grinned when you saw him, but winced from the pain. Drogo started to swear, but switched to a language that the Dothraki academy had made up. It kept the guards from swearing in front of their more sensitive or younger clients.

"Drogo, slow down and take a seat." He slowly came over and sat in the chair next to your bed. He removed his beanie and you gasped. "Drogo! Your hair!" It was shorter now. About shoulder length instead of all down his back. He looked down at his lap in shame. "I'm not worthy of the long hair anymore. I let you get hurt." You carefully reached over and took his hand in yours. "No you didn't. You couldn't have known Ramsay would do this. Please don't blame yourself. I should have listened and let you at least follow us."

Drogo looked at your joined hands and sighed. It was silent for several minutes until you spoke again. "I told Jorah I wanted you back. Your job is still yours if you want it." Drogo let his gaze travel up to your face, but you weren't looking at him. Drogo could tell you were hiding something and he was pretty certain he knew what.

"I don't want it." Your eyes flicked to him and widened in surprise. "Y-You don't?" He shook his head. He watched your eyes fill with tears. "Oh." You turned your head away again, but Drogo gently reached over and turned it back to him. "I can't be your bodyguard anymore. It's not proper for me to date a client." Your brows furrowed. "Date? You want to date me?" He nodded. "When you're ready, if you'll let me."

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Drogo shrugged. "You were my client. And famous. Didn't think you'd be interested. Not to mention there was that prick Ramsay." You frowned at the mention of his name. "Yeah...never again. I should trust your instincts more." Drogo fought back a chuckle. "You should." He paused before speaking again, "Are you interested?"

You almost laughed at the sight of this beautiful, strong man looking so frightened. He looked as if he world would break down if you said no. "Drogo, I've been interested for a while. But you're right. I need time." Drogo gave your hand a little squeeze. "Take all the time you need, Y/N. I'm not going anywhere."    

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