Chapter 1

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I stepped into the cafe with a bright smile on my face. Positivity surely is radiating off of me as I went to fall in line to order my drink. Taking one of the many empty tables after, I took my time admiring the entire place like I always did whenever I visited the shop. The place has always been cozy, it smells nice too. It only took five minutes before I heard my name.

"Order up for Carmela!" I stood up from my seat and marched towards the counter upon hearing the guy, whose name is Steve, shoutout my name.

Out of three cups of coffee placed in front of me, without thinking twice, I took the first cup as if I was sure it was really mine.

But, when I was about to turn around, I suddenly felt a large hand on my butt cheek. My freakin' butt cheek! My heart beat quickened and in an instant, my left hand landed on a face the same time I turned around.

Silent curses were then heard from the customers inside the cafe and I couldn't help but smirk when I saw how my palm left an imprint right on the face of the maniac.

But in a blink of an eye, it was as if my sense of power and rage evaporated into thin air when I looked into his eyes. I think I just saw a storm brewing, preparing to come my way because of how dark and scary they are. I even felt my knees go weak. Gulping down the large lump that got stuck in my throat, I saw how his eyes went to follow the movement before his eyes found mine once more. 

"That's... for the booty slap!" I screamed, trying my best to look and sound intimidating but everyone in the room knew that I was way too far to being one.

He took a very threatening step towards me and I did my best not to step back. With his eyes still trained on me, his mouth opened and he spoke for the first time.

"You see, I don't appreciate it when a nobody touches me and takes ownership of what is mine."

The way he said that hurt my feelings, especially that I was labeled as a mere "nobody" by someone who did not even know me personally.

Feeling the anger bubbling inside me, I unconsciously squeezed  the cup of coffee, slowly spilling its content all over my hand and burning my skin. 

But the temperature rose quickly  when he bent forwards and levelled his face with mine. This time, I had no choice but to step back to put a gap between us, just so I could breathe.

"And I don't appreciate people accusing me of non sensible things like you, for accusing me of "slapping" your nonexisting butt," he said right in my face before snatching the cup of coffee from my hand and smashing it with all his might on the floor.

He then straightened his position and looked over my shoulder. "I thought you knew that I don't want anyone touching what's mine," he said with a hint of disappointment in his voice before leaving everyone in the room amazed by the bizarre scene that's happened between the two of us.

"This won't happen again, Mr. Steele!" Steve, who was behind the counter all this time screamed back at the most arrogant person in the world.

As seconds ticked, I could feel my face burning from embarrassment now that everyone in this shop is looking at me.

That guy humiliated me in front of these people, and he even body shamed me.

"Ma'am, you took the wrong cup," I heard the man say. I turned to look at him and tried my best to not lose my cool.

"And he didn't booty slap you. He did." He pointed behind me and when I turned to look at the real cause of this commotion, my eyes went big when I saw Ashton, my best friend.

The handsome guy looked at me with pleading eyes knowing that he got himself in trouble. He knew I was not going to let him slip away that easily, not until I get to beat the hell out of him.

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