Chapter 33

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"What are you doing here?" Cyrus asked the lady twice now and his tone is not that friendly at all.

I bit back my tongue as I watched her eye me up from head to toe. I found myself doing unnecessary movements while she unconsciously made me feel uncomfortable with her examining eyes.

"Can't I come and visit my son? Huh?" The sarcasm in her voice is clear although she is giving him a smile, a tight one if I may add.

I looked at Cyrus and saw how he massaged the bridge of his nose, a sign of his discomfort and a way for him to calm himself too. The room remained silent as none of them spoke.

A minute later, his "mom" clapped her hands once, "Anyway, I guess I know the reason why Alicia left your house with tears in her eyes, oh my poor Alicia."

The way she said those words made me feel guilty, somehow. Also, I feel like she is blaming me for what happened to that bitch.

"Let us not talk about her!" He ordered and she laughed sarcastically.

"Right, let us not talk about the girl you hurt and just talk about that human clinging onto you like a leech." My ears popped at her words and I could see smokes coming off them.

Without even realizing it, I found myself right in front of her tall frame with my fists clenched. "With all due respect, ma'am, I am not a leech!" I spat the words with so much hatred and she just huffed, annoying the hell out of me.

"You have no right to talk to her in that manner, now please, while I am asking you nicely, leave us alone!" She did not even flinch at his outburst.

"No, Cyrus! I will never leave you with this little human, you understand?"

"I am telling you this one more time..."

"And the answer is still NO! I have let you on your own for years already, now that I am back, I will never let you out of my sight! Especially that a threat is attached to you!"

I almost wanted to slap her but I restrained myself from doing so. I am so sick of people calling me a "human" as if they aren't and looking down on me. First, Alicia, and now, his mother? Honestly? How many women do I have to fight off just to be with Cyrus Steele?

"Celene, watch your words! Carmela is not a threat to me or to anyone, she is my woman!" I looked up at Cyrus who is now standing next to me as his arm snaked around my waist.

"Whether you respect that or not, I don't care. I just want to let you know that as long as you are inside my house, my territory, you shall never talk carelessly about Carmela unless you want to lose another child of yours?" Her eyes watered. I swear it did.

Even I felt bad for her when her face cracked. What did Cyrus mean? Was he talking about Cyrene?

Just when I thought she would break down and cry, a smirk found its way to her face. "No wonder where you got that angst from. You really are a Steele. His blood runs through your veins, same as your poor standards for a Luna." Her words confused me but I know she was talking about his dad.

I know because the way Cyrus' hand gripped the side of my waist, her words got him. I looked down as I witnessed an intimate family war going on between Cyrus and his mother. I feel so out of place. Although he called me his woman, I know I have no right to know all of these, not this early, not in this circumstance.

"Just go before I do something we would both regret." And she did. She walked out on us but the way her eyes softened failed to escape from my sight.

"I'm sorry about that." Instead of saying anything, I hugged him tight.

I felt him stiffen, I must have shocked him but a few seconds later, he responded and hugged me even tighter.

"I'm sorry I heard all of that," I told him honestly. He then sighed and pushed my head away from him, enough to make an eye contact.

"Never apologize for something you have no control over. I am a messed up person, I have issues way back in the past, with my friends, family and the people around me. One way or another, you will find out about them. I should be the one apologizing for what Celene did to you. She just talks a lot. I am sorry that she insulted you. She is just a bitch..."

"Don't call her that! She is still your mother!" I scolded him. His eyes widened at the pitch of my voice and I sighed as I held his face with my hands.

"No matter how ugly her personality is, she is still your mother, Cyrus. Don't call her mean things just because she insulted me." A smile popped and it made me furrow my eyebrows.

He pushed his forehead close to mine, "You are such a nice person. You are beautiful inside and out. I am lucky to have found you, Carmela."

I looked deep into his eyes and smiled. "And I am lucky to have you beside me. You stood up for me against your best friend, against your mother. I know I will never be harmed as long as I have you."

After I said those words, I tiptoed and kissed him passionately. He responded rather quickly with so much emotions in it. My fingers played with his soft hair as his hands roamed around my body, from my neck down to my waist. They travelled sensually making me aroused.

I moved forward, making him step back. I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him as I try to catch my breath. "I still don't know how we got in this situation but, I will fight for you with my life."

"I love you." He confessed before owning my lips once more.

He threw me lightly on the bed without breaking the kiss. I can feel the excitement heating up as his hand cupped my breast, making me moan at the sensation.

"Take me." I whispered ruggedly. He stopped kissing me and looked at me, his eyes asking me for confirmation.

"I don't think..." he said as he tried to read me. His head tilted and he was trying to sniff something.

I kissed his cheeks, nose and lips. "I love you, Cyrus and I want you now and forever. I know I have your soul and you have mine. Let us do this." I said with sincerity and that is what he needed to know before he undressed me.

I helped him take his shirt off and satisfied my eyes with his drooling worthy body. My fingertips slightly touching his abs making him growl a little. He is so sexy, there is no denying. He is like a masterpiece sculpted to perfection and I cannot believe he is mine.

"This is all yours, Carmela. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew I would give my all to you. When I finally accepted my feelings, I told myself that I will love you and no one else." He said before sealing his promises with a kiss.

I know I love him, I am sure of it and he can have my body as much as he owns my soul. So I did what I had to, I kissed him back, hungrily, and we both shared the bed with so much love that we even forgot to lock the door but who cares? No one else barged in like Alicia and his mother did. Thank goodness!

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