Chapter 5

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"Coffee?" I asked, smiling at my boss who just came out of the elevator.

He looked petrified when I appeared out of nowhere but he immediately looked at me with distaste. He moved aside and walked straight ahead, went into his office and shut the door close with a loud bang.

I just sighed and gulped down the coffee that was intended for him and coughed right away when I burned my tongue.

"Ouch." I rubbed my tongue with my forefinger and thumb and decided to go back to my seat and think further on how to get in his good side.

"So, how's it going?"

"Miss Lopez. Good morning!" I exclaimed.

She smiled at me and took the vacant seat across me.

"How are you keeping up with him?"

"I... I don't know, really. It's been three days since I got here and I think that he really hates me."

It's been three long days since I started working as his secretary but within those days, I never got the chance to speak with him because, first, I never received phone calls nor guests to say that they need him or they need to speak with him so I never got the chance to consult him with such matters. Second, he never left his office, literally. He always came in ahead of me and locks himself until it was time to go home.

I just got lucky that I came in a little early today, because I wanted to see how he would react to see me in his office at seven in the morning instead of eight and my theory was right, he was ignoring me.

"He's just so stubborn."

"I know right! He never even left his office, not even once. And today, I caught him off guard by showing up earlier than usual. I offered him coffee, he didn't accept it. Honestly, I didn't know he was the type who holds grudges against someone," I said to her truthfully.

Miss Lopez looked into my eyes and for a moment, her bright personality was washed out. I must have just interpreted it in a different way but I think she felt guilty and angry for a very short time.

"There's nothing wrong with holding grudges." She said, more like whispered to herself and I looked at her with pure innocence.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing," said Miss Lopez and just offered me a smile. I brushed off the weird feeling then sighed.

"I have an idea!"

She screamed with so much excitement. Her eyes were shining and a smile spread across her beautiful face.

"What is it?" I asked like a curious cat.

Miss Lopez leaned down on my table and she leaned forwards, with our faces a few inches away from each other, she said,

"Bring him food."

"What?" I think I misheard her.

I blinked several times at her words. Miss Lopez smiled knowingly at me and in return, I gave her an i-don't-understand-look.

"What do you mean, bring him food? I am supposed to bring him clients, not food."

"Forget about his clients." She said like it was nothing important. Aren't clients the most important thing in business? Weird.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. Why do I have this feeling like she's planning on doing something that's not part of my job description?

"Just trust me on this one, okay? Like you've said, he doesn't leave his office even during break time so that means, he doesn't eat."

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