Chapter 25

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I shut the door closed behind me and breathed in heavily. I could feel the rage coursing through me as I remember the state my mate was in when I saw her earlier.

I don't know what happened and even if I ask her, well, I did asked her but she didn't tell me anything. All I know is something's bothering her. She seemed scared, horrified even, but of what?

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I made my way towards my table. I lazily sat on my swizel chair and stared at my laptop. I checked on my emails and saw that I got some from Ashton.

When we talked yesterday, I found out that he's a vampire indeed. He is the Prince of their raise and he's been living with humans since the 19th century.

I wanted to ask him about how he met my mate but it's the least of my concerns and we were both engrossed with the fact that Carmela is under a spell or something as he insisted.

"I am telling you, she's bewitched."

"How can you be so sure?"

He sighed and closed his eyes, when he opened them, they were bloodshot, then he raised his hands and he started to recite words in latin, soon after, the windows flew open, and the elevator's door did the same. I watched as he dropped his hands and the window glass shattered into pieces.

"This is a spell I learned when I visited a small village somewhere in the Western area. I met a good old witch and he taught me this."

"This?" I asked him curiously.

He nodded his head yes. "Yes, this. A spell on how you can control things. You may find it hard to believe as vampires don't get along with werewolves and the same thing goes with witches..." He stopped.

I cocked an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue but when his eyes met mine, I know there's something that he wishes for me not to find out and I somehow encouraged him not to say it by nodding my head at him.

"At first, I only came there to look for other vampires since our population was fast dropping but something else happened... I met hungry wolves and they wanted to kill me. I fought with them but they came as a group and I knew myself I'd die that time. One last bite and it would've been the end but they saved me... They killed the wolves and brought me to their place somewhere in the urban, they took me in, took care of me and when I was doing better, I found out that they were witches, good witches and saw how they tried to survive for their lives and learned spells to do so." I took in everything he said.

But I'm still confused. "But that doesn't answer my question! How can you be so sure that Carmela's under a spell?!" I screamed.

"Because I was under the same spell like her."


"As I stayed there, I met each of them, a woman in particular. She was kind and beautiful, I lived with her family who happened to be their leader. I fell in love with her and she fell for me as well, but her father denied my love for his daughter so we eloped but he asked his men to hunt us down and soon enough, they took her away from me and the next thing I know is that I'm in a deserted island..."

I think I know where this is going and I don't know how I should feel. I never listened to anyone talk about their life but here I am, patiently waiting for my mate's best friend to pour everything out as if we're good buddies.

"That time, I was in severe pain, my head was throbbing, I couldn't move. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what it was. I know where I lived, what I was, my name, I knew I met witches but something's missing..." I could feel his voice cracking and I had to look away to give him some privacy.

Later, I heard him laugh bitterly. "I knew something was not right. I didn't know what it was and t I didn't bother looking for an answer, so I went back home and lived my life. I acted as if everything's going fine though sometimes, I did have dreams of a woman with her face unknown, only her voice is clear and the next day, I wake up with tears in my eyes. All these years, I travelled to look for that mystery girl. I tried to remember everything..." He went to walk towards the large broken window and looked outside while I stayed where I was.

I really wanted to barge in his apartment to have my mate in my arms but I can't move, and I know that it's not the best thing to do.

"After how many years, fractions of memories came in... I remembered how they treated me, the spells they taught me..."

I was shocked when I found out about his love story. It must have been torturous living a life with a very important detail missing, with just you trying to fill it in.

"So, I went back to their place and I saw her, the good old witch was her father, he's older now. Everything came back when our eyes met. The memories we shared and the love that's always been in my heart only became stronger. Then her father told me that he had to do it for his daughter's sake and it's too late now. She has found someone else."

Tears filled his cheeks. This is the second time I saw a man crying for the same reason and my heart clenched. Men should never be weak. This makes him look pathetic.

"Shut up! I'm not pathetic." He jokingly said through tears.

Right, vampires can read minds too.

"I saw how in love you both were but it wasn't right. You're not the guy for her. We took care of you because we felt your kindness but that doesn't change the fact that we're enemies..." That's what her father said to me."

I listened.

"So, he took her away from me and erased our memories. And I believe the same spell was casted upon Carmela."

"How do we bring back her memories?" I asked darkly.

"There's no cure..."

"Fuck you!"

"I'm not done yet, idiot!" He screamed. I shot him glares and he just smiled at me.

"No spell can break another spell, that's what I've learned based on experience. The only thing that brought my memories back was my love for her and the connection between us."

I looked at him confused. I somehow get what he's saying but how come Carmela didn't regain her memories when I clearly love her?

"Considering you guys are mates will be an advantage. I can say that this spell is similar to what I have been living with a few years ago but what Carmela has is stronger. I think it would be best if you stay with her all the time. Show her how much you love her and she'll feel it too... That should work."

"You mean you're not sure that it would really work?!"

"You should try. Keep her with you all the time and you'll be hitting two birds with one stone."

He said then went inside his apartment, where I could feel my mate's breathing at a normal rate, she's fast asleep.

Looking at my closed door, I can imagine Carmela sitting on her chair, her mind clouded with confusion especially with the stunt I pulled awhile ago. If Ashton's conclusion was right, then I will have to tell the world how much I love my mate so that she would see it, feel it.

From now on, I will never keep her out of my sight. I should try to make her fall in love with me, with or without the connection and or the bond. This is just Cyrus courting Carmela, not my wolf Harry nor the Moon Goddess' will.

Replying to Ashton, I typed.

"Thanks for packing her things. Let's drink some time later." I hit sent and smiled back at the email he sent me.

"Get ready you son of a bitch, I'm going to catch you soon!" I said darkly.

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