Chapter 34

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I woke up as I felt restricted from moving. My eyes shut open to find myself still in Cyrus' room. I noticed that it was his arm lying flat across my stomach that made me not move so I had to peel it slowly to not wake him up.

Finally, after being able to breathe normally, I turned to look at him. A smile registered on my face at the sight of him. His slow breaths tickled my skin as we are just inches away from each other. I raised my hand up close to his face and draw my finger along his pointed nose, down to his lips. Cyrus is gorgeous.

Not only does he have a drool-worthy body, a beautiful face, but his attitude pulled me more to him. He is short tempered, yes, but the way he acts in from of me really made me believe that behind his intimidating personality is a heart that could warm anyone, me.

When my finger was about to wander over his face, his hand caught it. I looked up to see him looking back at me, his eyes holding mine like they have got something to say.

I smiled at him. "Hi," I greeted. He shut his eyes close and brought my hand that he never once let go, to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

"Are you feeling alright? Do you feel uncomfortable? Are you..."

"Sore? Yeah, just a bit." I told him and his eyes held guilt.

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to hurt you..."

I placed my other finger to his mouth to cut him off.

"It's bearable. I'm fine." I assured him. I know he is not convinced but it's true. I'm alright.

He pulled me close to him and hugged me tight, our bare chests collided and sparks flew instantly. I mean, it's always been there but when we're touching and making physical contact, it just explodes like a firework. This feeling is so magical. I love it.

"I love you." He whispered. I nodded my head and smiled to myself.

My heart really does flutter when he says those words. He makes my heart pound so loud that it makes me fall for him even more.

"I know and I love you too, so much." His grip on me tightened making me chuckle. Being next to Cyrus gives me a sense of security.

I looked around the room and realized just now that the sun had set. His room is bathed in a dark blue color making it look more romantic and peaceful.

"I can't believe we slept that long." He hummed.

"Being next you, the clock just seems to tick ten times faster." I smiled at his words. I sat up and pulled the blanket along with me making him do the same.

"What?" He asked suspiciously when he caught me grinning from ear to ear. I shook my head and kissed him on the lips.

"You're so cheesy, I like that." I said before leaving the bed wrapped in a blanket.

I searched for my underwear and wore it while his eyes are trained on me. I went towards his closet and scanned through his clothes before picking up a plain black shirt. I let go of the blanket and got dressed with my back facing Cyrus.

Although we already had sex, I am still, somehow conscious and shy with walking around here naked. I looked at him to find him looking at me with a serious face on.


"You look gorgeous." I blushed.

"I'm starving." I told him before leaving him in his room.

I walked down the stairs with a cheeky smile. Although what happened in the morning was sudden and made me sad, with Cyrus protecting me, I feel like I don't need to worry about anything.

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