Chapter 19

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I watched as his car disappeared. My smile reappearing without me realizing it. After a few seconds of staring into nothing but pure smoke, I shook my head and decided to get inside as it is starting to get dark.

I noticed that there are no stars sparkling up the sky and that the air is chilly, it might rain and I don't want to wait for it because I might get sick and I hate getting sick--I hate drinking tablets.

I didn't even reached the entrance of the building where I live when raindrops started to fall harshly down to the ground. I stopped on my tracks and had no choice but to welcome the water soaking me entirely and watched in awe as people started to run and hide from the rain. It's such a beautiful night--city lights flickering with a dozen of different colors, people scattered on the street, watching as the rain fill the air, everything looks serene except for the thunders and lightning that brought my senses back.

Scolding myself, I hurriedly went inside the building and was immediately wrapped with coldness when my soaked body met the room temperature.

"Shit." I muttered to myself. Drops of water left a trace for each step that I took and I feel sorry for the maintenance who's on duty right now because he's going to mop the floor over and over again for sure.

I hopped on the elevator and squeezed myself into it although I have it all to myself. Everyone seems to have stayed inside their units, they must have known that it was going to rain today.

I reached the 6th floor, where my unit is. I passed by Ashton's and it seems like he's not home. I frowned to myself. I haven't seen my best friend for a few days now and I miss him already. He just went missing without a word and it's funny because I am not worried at all, I believe he's doing fine, I trust him anyway. Walking towards my own unit, I can't help but look at the huge glass window ahead of me. I could see each strike the lightning is creating and though I can't hear it, I know the thunder is monstrous in sound.

I reached my front door and was about to get my keys from my purse when I noticed that the door is slightly open. My heartbeat quickened at the thousand possibilities of who might be inside, what he's doing or how the hell he got in there.

I tried searching for my phone but then, I didn't bring it when I attended Tristan's party, I left it inside my house.

"Shoot!" I hissed. My grip on my purse tightened as I slowly pushed my door open.

The lights are off, just like how I leave them whenever I'm not home. I got inside as quiet as possible with my ears in full focus trying to hear something but there was nothing.

Odd but I still feel worried because as far as I can remember, I locked the door when I left, like I always do. After observing for two minutes or so, I convinced myself that may be, I really did forget to lock the door.

Still, with uncertainty, I reached for the switch on the wall and clicked on it, giving out light to my house. It blinded me for a bit but I tried to adjust to it as fast as I could as I am still not sure whether I have someone here with me or it's all in my head.

My eyes scanned the room, everything looks fine, the same way I left them. Breathing heavily, I tried to erase the train of thoughts and closed the door behind me, making sure that I locked it this time.

I walked to my room and went inside with an unsteady heartbeat. When I got in, everything looks good. Finally, I dropped the bad feeling but still, I remained cautious with each step that I take. I decided to take a shower to calm my nerves.

Though I am still feeling unsure, I forgot about it as I hit the shower. It took me almost half an hour soaking in the bathtub and I must say, I really felt relaxed but that didn't last long because when I went outside the bathroom, back in my room, and saw that the windows are now open.

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