Chapter 29

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"What the hell?!" Cyrus growled at Alicia who did not even flinch.

The people around us are staring and I hate the attention that we are getting. I also hate how sticky I feel right now because of the wine that she thought was best used for bathing, not for drinking.

"What is your problem?!" I asked angrily at Alicia who stared down at me with pure hate.

Cyrus stood up from his seat and I did the same, matching the intruders height but she is way taller than me.

"Apologize to Carmela!"

"No!" The nerve of this girl to say that.

What have I ever done to her?

"Alicia, I'm warning you..." And I'm sure his patience is running thin.

Alicia then just crossed her arms over her chest and turned to look at Cyrus.

"I am not going to apologize Cyrus, not to this rug, not to anyone!" She's got some attitude and I can't take it anymore. How dare she call me a rug.

I saw how Cyrus' eyes darkened and he was almost about to pounce on Alicia when I beat him to it. I pulled her arm to make her face me. Her face displayed disgust and I almost laughed.

"Back off, bitch!" She grumbled her annoyance.

"You should be saying sorry, don't you think?" I said calmly. She then huffed mockingly and stepped forward, her frame towering over my stature.

"You want an apology? Make me say it." She dared and I gave her the sweetest smile I could muster before reaching for the bottle of wine that's on the ice bucket.

"I changed my mind." I said and poured the wine down on her chest and she screamed.

Everyone's watching and mumbling or whatnot all to themselves and I have never felt so proud of acting this way.

"You bitch!" She screamed and fisted my hair in her hand and I did the same.

She wanted to humiliate me, then be it! I can never and I will never let anyone step on my pride without giving a fight.

"Alicia, let her go!" I heard Cyrus shout as he wrapped his arm around her waist, getting her off of me.

Waiters then came into the picture and soon enough, I felt an arm snake around my waist and Cyrus saw it, making him growl at the one who is holding me.

"I hate you! I'm going to rip your hair off your skull!"

"Stop running your mouth and just do it!" I screamed back as I struggled to be set free. Alicia and I are still in each other's throats and we are both giving Cyrus and the waiters a hard time.

I can see that Cyrus is not using his strength because if he did, Alicia would have been thrown out the window since he got his hands on her.

"How dare you take Cyrus away from me! You slut!" And I stopped struggling.

I inhaled deeply and my chest is heaving up and down. I can see smokes coming out my nose and ears and pushed the waiter's hands off me.

"You..." I said and stepped forward. Alicia stopped struggling and she stood still, while Cyrus held her in place. "Stop acting like you own Cyrus because you don't. Cyrus is all mine. You hear me? He is mine!" I growled not knowing where the possessiveness is coming from.

But wherever I got that made Cyrus smile. He let go of Alicia and walked towards me. The girl looked like a mess and I wanted to laugh at her face but she's still in shock that she can't even close her filthy mouth.

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