Chapter 26

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"Arrrgh! I can't stay here forever!" I cried to myself.

After thinking of plans on how I can get away from everyone's judging eyes, I ended up locking myself inside the bathroom and spend my time here instead of taking my lunch comfortably.

I've been here for 15 minutes now and I don't know what to do anymore, especially that I am hungry, I can't think straight.

"Calm down, Carmela. It's alright. You can go out there and pretend like nothing happened."

At least, that's what I can let myself believe in, but who am I kidding? I know all too well that what my boss did awhile ago travelled through the walls even before I could blink twice.

"You are so dead." I said giving up.

Getting out the cubicle, I faced myself in the mirror and realized how terrible I look. My hair is a mess. My silk polo is tucked carelessly inside my black pants and it's only now that I noticed how ugly I actually am.

"Yup, you are so dead." My mind is dead.

Looking at my reflection one last time, I shut my eyes closed and breathed heavily. Whether I am ready or not, I have no choice but to get the hell out of here and fill up my growling tummy. A smart woman knows what to do at times like this.

"Stress eating it is." I whispered to myself.

As I turned the knob, I swear my mouth dropped to the ground when I saw Mr. Steele casually leaning on the wall not too far from the girl's bathroom.

I stood frozen as I quietly watched him. I mean, how can someone be so ridiculously handsome just by standing? From where I stood, I can clearly see half of his face. That pointed nose put mine close to nothing. His full pinkish lips looked so delectable and that defined jaw is only making him look more handsome.

"But he's a jerk." I convinced myself.

With a deep frown, I almost had to drag myself just so I can walk. As much as I'd like to run away and go hide inside the bathroom once more, I can't do that because I've had enough of this hide and seek.

It's time to show him that whatever he did or tell everyone earlier did not affect me one bit.

I guess we were just a meter apart when he suddenly turned his head, making me stop briefly but I held my head high and walked past him.

"What took you so long?" I can hear the laughter in his voice.

"What is it to you, Mr. Steele? Am I not allowed to use the bathroom now?" I answered back.

I didn't stop walking and I could hear his footsteps behind me. I'm just glad that he's not beside me or else I'd have to run.

"I didn't say you can't. I was just worried, thinking you'd disappear from in there."

He sounded serious when he said that. "Well, guess what? You just worried for nothing because I don't do magic. I won't disappear just by using the bathroom..."

"I thought you'd run." He cut me off with these words and I turned on my heel and came face to face with a very serious looking Cyrus Steele.

"I thought you left. I wanted to barge in when you stayed longer than 5 minutes but I didn't because I was hoping you'd come out still..."

His eyes gave justice to his words. They spoke to me with feelings. He was indeed scared. He is showing me his emotions but I don't know why.

"I told myself that you won't leave me just like that and I trust you." Why is he telling me this? And why can't I say anything to him?

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