Chapter 31

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"Tristan?" I stood up and walked back and forth as Cyrus watched me with his furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't know why but after that night, Tristan was in my apartment. He told me that... that Cyrene told him where I live..."

"What the fuck did he tell you?" An angry Cyrus is a sexy Cyrus but it's definitely scary.

"He told me he was worried. I found it weird but thought that may be, I was just affected by that night. But no, this morning, I felt eyes on me. I saw a man wearing a jacket spying on me and while I was not able to see his face, he disappeared and Tristan..." I stopped as memories came.

I closed my eyes shut and looked at Cyrus who is now standing in front of me. He is raging with fire, although he is not doing anything, I know he is trying his best to control his temper.

"Tristan came out of nowhere. I might be overthinking. It could have been a coincidence but I just don't know who I should trust anymore. Everyone's being suspicious." I said and he pulled me in an embrace.

"It's alright. If he really is the one who wants to hurt you and take you away from me, then I'll make him pay. But, first, I need evidences." He whispered and I nodded my head.

He pulled away from me but still held me in his arms. "Carmela, baby, listen. If you really suspect him, then we'll do everything we can to find out the truth so it's you and me against them. We are unsure yet. You have to trust no one else but me. You understand?" He asked and I nodded my head once more.

"Good. Everything's going to be alright. I'm here. I will always be here for you." He whispered as he, again, locked me up in his warm and shielding embrace.

We stayed that way for a few seconds before I started to yawn that made him chuckle softly.

"You should sleep. It's getting late." He said and let him lead me to the bed that's not too far from where we are.

"Here." I laid down on the soft mattress and he pulled up the blanket until it covered my body up to my chest.

He stared down at me with a soft smile on his face. Again, I let out a yawn that made his smile slide a bit bigger.

"I am so damn lucky to have you in my life." I smiled at his words. He leaned down and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead and was about to get up when I pulled him down.

"Can you stay with me?" I asked in a low tone and he just looked into my eyes.

He is now lying on top of me but he is using his other hand to carry himself in order to not give me discomfort.

"Of course." He whispered and got inside the sheets with me after lying down beside me.

I sighed as he slid his arm below my head and I adjusted myself, lying close to his chest. Sleep knocked on me as he started to brush my hair with his long and slender fingers.

With my eyes closed, I tried to listen to the quietness that is being interrupted with my heartbeat.

"I love having you in my arms." I smiled. Hearing him say that made me realize how far he is from the Cyrus Steele that I have met before.

"Your scent calms the waves of emotion that crashes through me whenever things get out of hand. You are a drug I can't resist. My cup of coffee in the morning and my rainbow after the rain." I looked up to him only find his eyes silently staring at me.

He smiled, a sad one and my heart tugged. I hate seeing him sad. I don't want him getting hurt. I placed my hand on his face, brushed my thumb against his cheek and he took it, kissing the palm of my hand as he shut his eyes close.

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