Chapter 40

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"How can you be so sure it was Cyrene?" Andy asked Tristan from the backseat.

I kept my eyes on the road as I waited for him to answer. "Isn't it obvious? She wanted to get even with Cyrus..."

"But it's been a long time since her mate died." He whispered the last word to himself.

Tristan sighed and Andy did the same. "Besides, she and Cyrus are okay. They never argued, even after she found out about her mate that day. She never blamed Cyrus."

"And that's what makes it more suspicious. She never blamed Cyrus. She was badly hurt, we all know that and yet, she acted like nothing happened. If we are going to connect the dots, it is possible. She is most likely the one who took Carmela." The way he mentioned my mate's name, it was as if they've been friends for a long time.

Who gave him the right to casually call her by her name? And he even went to Carmela's apartment.

"Come to think of it. She used me to make Cyrus jealous and to make him accept Carmela as his mate. She wanted Cyrus to fall for her and it happened."

I looked at the rear view mirror and saw the look of confusion in Andy's eyes. "He made you realize that you can never defy the Moon Goddess and when you finally gave in, that's when she conducted her plan." He figured.

I stopped because the light turned red. We are headed to the pack house. We've been to Cyrene's place already but she was not home. She also wasn't answering her phone when all three of us tried to call her.

I tapped my steering wheel with my thumb as I kept biting the other one. If his conclusions are right, then I have no choice but to harm her, worse, kill her. I swear I will never let this go easily.

A loud honk shocked me and I started driving again. Tristan kept brushing his hair with his fingers and although I don't want him here, inside my car, I have no choice but to bring him as he was the one who figured out about all this shit.

"She wants you to suffer the loss of your mate..."

"But why did she have to use some help from a witch?"

"A witch?" Tristan asked Andy. I looked at him to find him staring at me.

"So I was right. It was really her." He exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I met with Cyrene a couple of times before and I smelt something strange from her. It was just a tinge of smell but I was certain it was a witch's scent." I closed my eyes and cursed.

How could she do this to me? Why of people, did it have to be her?

"I can't believe this. She really is the one behind this." Andy exclaimed.

I parked the moment we reached the pack house. We already spent the whole night tracking her down and now, the sun is at its peak.

"Cyrus." My mother called as soon as she saw me. She looked horrified.

"Where have you been? Why did you let our warriors prepare?"

"I don't think it's necessary. I already know who took Carmela away." I told her and she sighed in relief.

My eyes scanned the whole room and asked Andy to search the entire pack house. Some men followed him and slowly, my pack members started to appear in front of me. Kids were brought to the side while men and women were divided.

"Was there anything suspicious that happened overnight?" I asked and that made them grow curious.

"Nothing, Alpha." One answered.

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