Chapter 12

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"So, where did you guys meet?" Alicia asked Tristan as we all sat together.

My first impression on her is slowly fading away. Why not? The very second she saw me when Tristan introduced me as his date, her eyes examined me as if I was a cheap item unworthy for Tristan.

I just sat in silence while Alicia settled on her seat, very close to Cyrus who just stared at me since he arrived and I am feeling uncomfortable under his warm gazes.

"We met at his company. I helped her order some food for you." Tristan said looking directly at Cyrus.

Reminiscing our first meeting, I smiled and that surely didn't impress Cyrus as he cleared his throat, making us turn to him. I gulped down the nervousness starting to build when I saw how dark and dangerous his eyes looked.

"Cliché." Alicia commented full with sarcasm.

Well, case closed, she's a bitch. I thought to myself.

"I don't mind. I mean, it's better that way than not having to meet her at all." Oh boy, Tristan knows how to make a girl blush because seriously, I'm a human tomato right now.

"Stop it." I whispered to his ears and Tristan laughed. I looked at the two people in front of us and Alicia is staring at me like I've taken away something valuable from her and Cyrus? Let's just say that he probably woke up with his panties on a twist. He started giving me a murderous look and I had to excuse myself to breathe and stay away from Cyrus because he's actually the one taking my breath away.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the powder room." I said softly and stood up from my seat, Tristan doing the same, he's helping me with my gown.

"Will you be fine going alone?" He asks with concern.

"What is she, a five year old kid?" There goes her language, sarcasm. Tristan scowled at her and I just touched his cheek to get his attention.

"I'll be fine." I said with a smile. He sighed and nodded. I walked away from them and did my best to walk straight because I'm sure as hell that Cyrus is looking at me right now.

I could feel his eyes on me and my heart won't stop beating abnormally. Since he got here, there's this pull--a strong pull that's telling me to just run up to him and kiss the hell out of him and I was like, what the fuck? Why would I do that?

Once inside the powder room, I locked the door, lucky enough that no one's here except for me. I leaned on the door and clenched my left chest, where my heart is beating so hard.

I closed my eyes shut trying to calm myself and after a few minutes, my heart is on its normal rate. I moved towards the sink and rested my palms on it as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I must say, Cyrene is good with hair and make up. She did my hair effortlessly and I love it. She was able to cover the dark circles under my eyes which appeared after too many sleepless nights. She was able to bring color and life to my dull and boring face and darn this pretty gown that she lent me, it complements my skin so well. And she was right when she told me that my gown would stand out from the rest, even Alicia's bloody red gown would be nothing compared to this one that I am wearing. Over-all, I don't look that bad.

I was just about to go back to the hall when the door bursts open. My eyes went big when I saw that it was Cyrus who destroyed the freakin' door.

He's looking at me intensely, his chest heaving up and down. He kicked the door closed and although the hinges is off, it closed leaving it open a little. He stalked towards me and I was glued on my spot. The sink plastered behind me.

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