Chapter 16

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I looked at him dead in the eyes while he just stared at me with confusion. I can sense that he really didn't expect what I did so there he was, looking at me with a what the hell was that all about look.

I groaned in frustration and I am starting to feel my headache. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed in defeat. If he really is clueless about our situation, then fine! I'm going to enumerate what we did wrong.

"Do you not want to know why I screamed at you?" I asked him in a low tone. He just blinked at me, his jaw set firmly and his fists clenched. 

"Mr. Steele, I don't understand why you keep on saying that I am yours when I am not! I hate the fact that you go wild whenever you see me with a guy and drag me wherever you want when you're not even my boyfriend!" I half yelled at him and he glared at me.

"Watch your tone..." He said but I cut him off.

"No! You listen to me Mr. Steele," I said as I prepared myself before I tell him everything I keep inside. "I am so fucking confused as to why you keep on kissing me and please don't tell me that I am yours and you hate all the men trying to get my attention because that is bullshit! So what if they try to flirt with me? So what if I entertain them? It's not like we're dating or something!" I blurted out. I breathed in heavily as I could feel my lungs running out of oxygen.

"Is that what you want?" He suddenly asked. My eyes snapped back at him and now it's my turn to give him a confused look.


"You want me to date you." He said firmly. I was taken aback at what he said and I didn't dare look at him as I could feel my cheeks burning from the blush.

"No... That's not what..."

"Tell me... If dating you means I get to punch any guy who tries to flirt with you, then be it! Let's date!" He declared like it's the most obvious thing and the only answer to my problem.

He sure knows how to make my blood boil and I turned to look at him but I was shocked when I saw how sincere he looked. My mouth opened and closed when I couldn't find a word to respond to his ridiculous statement. Without a word, he walked towards me and I stepped back. He didn't stop though and hell I can't help but feel weak at how he's looking at me right now.

He is only a few inches away from me when I was about to back away but then stopped when my back hit the door. Shit! All these cliché things happen in real life, don't they?!

"Carmela..." He spoke softly. His right hand went to touch my cheek and my eyes closed on its own. His warmth is so much that I find comfort on it.

He's making me weak. His presence, his voice, his touch, everything about him melts my heart and I never even felt this way before.

"Say it..." My eyes opened and for a few seconds, we just stared at one another. His eyes looking hopeful but I shook my head. His hand on my cheek dropped down to his side.

He looked at me with confusion, hurt and anger. I could sense he's mad. I could feel him shaking in anger.

"Why?!" He asked harshly and I flinched. I just looked down the floor when I answered him.

"I don't want you to date me just because you think I am yours! Mr. Steele, I have feelings too! I am not some kind of a cheap porcelain that you could claim as yours! I am not your possession..." I breathed in heavily after that and he punched the wall right beside my head. I closed my eyes shut because of shock and for a minute there, I thought I felt my heart drop.

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