Chapter 39

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I gasped for air when my eyes shut open. I looked around me but all I could see is darkness. I tried to move my body but I could not do it. My hands are tied at the back of the chair and my feet are taped as well.

I screamed for help although my mouth is covered. I don't know where I am or how long I have been here. I am starting to breathe heavily as anxiety filled me.

I shut my eyes and tried to remember what happened to me before I woke up here. I tried to squeeze my brain and suddenly, fractions of memories came to me like a storm.

Cyrene and her first love. Their mother came as well and the secret Cyrus has been keeping from me.

A pain struck me right on my chest and I could hardly breathe. He is a werewolf. I am his mate. That is the secret he tried to keep from me because he was scared that if I found out about it, I would leave him.

First, it was a witch and now, a beast. I shook my body despite the physical pain I felt. I kept moving, shaking and even jumping on my seat just to get someone's attention.

If someone had brought me here and locked me up in this place, I am sure that someone is outside, guarding me. I screamed for help although my words came out more like a muffle. Tears started to pour down my cheeks.

I am scared. Hell! I am beyond scared. Was it really his mother who kidnapped me and dragged me here like an animal that they would slaughter? But, wait. There was someone else. I saw a woman before I lost consciousness. She was laughing wickedly. Who was that?

I felt sick in the stomach. I felt dizzy as well. I mentally mumbled a few curses for not being able to grasp the whole situation. What the hell is happening?

My focus was stolen when I heard heavy footsteps. I tilted my head to the side, closed my eyes and listened. My eyebrows are now nervously dancing as I realized that someone is headed towards me.

Suddenly, a loud screeching noise echoed through the dark room. A huge metal door opened and a glimpse of light blinded my eyes and a silhouette of an average in height woman came in view.

As my eyes adjusted to the brightness, they grew big as I saw her face. I am pretty sure I have seen her somewhere before, but where? When?

I was pulled out of my reverie when she moved. She took heavy steps toward me and I stayed still on my seat. My panting is heard for sure but I don't care anymore. She knows how terrified I am anyway.

"You do know you look like a scaredy-cat now, don't you?" I looked up to find her smirking like a psychopath.

The more I stared at her, I became sure where I saw her. I screamed at the top of my lungs. She just laughed at me, it was so loud that it could damage my eardrums. I struggled to get away from being trapped and she clicked her tongue.

She bent her body forwards and leveled her face with mine. "What did you say, Carmela? You want to get out of here?" She asked and I wiggled and the chair fell to the ground.

I looked up to her as she grabbed a fistful of my hair. It hurt like hell. My scalp is burning and it made me cry in tears.

What does this woman want from me? Why is she doing this?

She let go of my hair and I hissed in pain.

"You see, I know you remember who I am but I never really introduced myself properly." She smiled innocently.

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