Chapter 27

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Call me crazy, I don't care, because to be honest, I think I really am crazy.

When Ashton dropped the bomb, I was able to handle it but when Cyrus dragged me towards his car, I think that's where I lost my bearings. I mean, he was driving us to his home when we're supposed to be seated on each of our chairs, sending and receiving emails and him attending his meetings.

"I'll work from home, if that's what you're worried about."

Well, yay! That's good news. No.

"How about me? Have you forgotten who I am?"

"I never will." Suddenly, the air in my throat clogged. The way he turned to look at me while he said that made me happy.

It's like he meant something else and screw me for thinking that way. He can't seriously be attracted to me, no way.

Instead of saying another word, I guess silence is the best option left for me. I don't like it when he's sweet and sincere, it makes my heart flutter.

"What do you want to eat?"

My head snapped back and my eyes found his. "Huh?"

"I was thinking we can go out tonight and eat steak or if you'd like, we can just stay at home and..." My heart is in my ears.

Literally, I can hear my own heart's beating. Cyrus kept talking, babbling about how fancy this one restaurant near his house is. How good of a choice their menu is or how expensive their bottles of wine are. He kept on saying this and that, making him look like a complete stranger.

I've never seen him or hear him talk about anything else but work. But right now, while I am seated in his passenger's seat, he's talking to me as if we're out for a long drive, about to spend our summer vacation in very beautiful place where peace awaits.

Though his eyes are focused on the road, he would look at me once in awhile, making eye contact. His eyes shining, erasing the dark ones I fell in love with. He's full of life. He's somewhat different.

"So, want me to make a reservation?"

"Why are you talking so causally?"

"Huh?" This time, his eyes lingered on my face a little longer. His eyebrows furrowed but I know he knows what I meant.

"Tell me, have we gotten closer the in past weeks?" His eyes went serious and that smile suddenly left his lips.

It's like I've said something that saddened him.

"I... You don't need to.." I started.

"It's alright." He said, his voice stern but he's still smiling at me.

He didn't want me to feel bad but I feel bad already. It's like I've hurt him or something and although I hate to admit it, my conscience is eating me up.

"Is that restaurant really that good?" This time, it's his turn to answer me with a "huh."

I just gave him a smile before looking right ahead of us. The street is quite busy but this driving feels nice.

"I think we can go check out that restaurant you're talking about." The smile on my lips didn't want to be hidden as it slid down my face.

I bit my lower lip to keep myself from grinning.

"Why is time running so slow? I hope we can have dinner now." I have a feeling he wanted to keep it to himself but he just said it out loud.

The look on his face says it all. I mean, his eyes went big and his mouth fell a bit open after his words left his lips.

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