Chapter 6

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I have been staring blankly on the walls for the four hours now and I think I could stare at it until it's time to get off work.

I could still feel my heart beating, my breath still unsteady and my hands and knees shaking. Trying to calm myself, I took slow but heavy breaths but it's not helping.

"Arrrrgh!" I groaned in frustration. Throwing my head right in my table, I kept mumbling curses and hoped that the floor would just open up and swallow me now. I can't take the embarrassment anymore.

I can't help but feel conscious after what happened inside his office. I never expected him to do that. I can't believe he sniffed me like I'm a perfume he can't get enough of, and the fact that he knew that I was with Tristan made me wonder how the hell he found out! Like, you can't just say who I was with by merely smelling my skin right? It's not like Tristan sprayed perfume that made it cling to my skin and we weren't even close to one another. As far as I can remember, there was about a meter of distance between the two of us so it would be impossible for his perfume to linger around my skin unless his perfume smelled strong, which didn't.

God! I hate this. I could still feel his lips on my skin and I hate to admit it but I love how it felt. How it brought sparks and how my stomach twisted in excitement but this is wrong! I can't be thinking about my boss in any sexual way. I can't.


"Excuse me?" I jolted up from my seat and my eyes landed on a very beautiful woman who is now looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"Oh, hi, good afternoon. How can I help you?" I said trying my best to smile. She smiled back at me, awkwardly.

"Are you alright?" I didn't expect her to ask me this though.

"Yes. What can I help you with?" I asked her politely, trying to avoid my personal issues getting involved with work.

"I came to see Cyrus." And she smiled. Her face lit up when she said his name and I hate how easily a tinge of jealousy crept into my skin but I have to keep this inside me because I am working for the man she's looking for.

Although I am curious as to what she is to him, I can't ask her that, not when she doesn't look like him a bit. She doesn't look like a relative, so that means, she can be a friend or more than that. A lover may be, and I do not want to know more because I shouldn't be bothered about it.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Again, there's concern in her voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was..."

"It's a boy, right?"

"What?" My eyes grew big at her words.

"You're acting this way because you're thinking of a boy. Is he your boyfriend?" I blushed. The thought of Cyrus being my boyfriend sent my stomach in a whole new world and it's dancing with glee. But reality took that joy away.

"No, he's not." I didn't miss how disappointed I sounded when I said that.

"Oh, so, he's your crush." Is h

I've only been here for three days and I haven't had the chance to be with him. I couldn't even see him, just this morning when I surprised him with coffee and when I brought him food. So, no. I don't have a crush on him.

"If you don't mind, ma'am, let's just get you inside. Just give me a minute to check if you have a scheduled appointment with Mr. Steele." I said, dodging the sudden question before checking on my computer.

"Your name ma'am?"

"Alicia, but, you don't have to check on that because he's expecting me anyway. And I brought him lunch." She said raising her two hands with two bags from a take out fast food. I nodded my head and smiled at her weakly.

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